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Published September 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Waimea, Hawaii. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

1305M324R0042PRESOL, 1305M324R0042, 201203 28 June 2024 Please be informed that the subject solicitation has been amended. The purpose of this solicitation amendment is to extend the Request for Proposal (RFP) due date and time. In accordance with this solicitation amendment, proposals are now due 24 July 2024 at 10:00 AM Mountain Time. The following changes are also being incorporated into the current solicitation amendment: 1. Remove ATTACHMENT 2 - Electrical Drawings and replace with ATTACHMENT 2 - Geotechnical Reconnaissance Report. 2. Incorporate ATTACHMENT 6 - MLO Electrical Grounding Survey. 3. Incorporate ATTACHMENT 7 - Aerial Photography Existing Buildings. 4. Incorporate ATTACHMENT 8 - MLO Site Pictures. 5. Extend period of performance for this project from 365 calendar days to 730 calendar days from receipt of a notice to proceed. 6. Post Government answers to industry questions. See attached SF30 for Solicitation Amendment 0004 for more details. Please ensure to review all revisions and changes to the solicitation attachments. As a reminder, please ensure to review the entirety of the solicitaition and all solicitation amendments when submitting a proposal to the Government. Failure to follow the submission instructions may render you proposal non-responsive. Non-responsive proposals may no longer be considered for evaluation and award. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 June 2024 Please be informed that the subject solicitation has been amended. The purpose of the solicitation amendment is to extend the Request for Proposal (RFP) due date and time. In accordance with the solicitation amendment, proposals are now due 8 July 2024 at 10:00 AM Mountain Time. See attached SF30 for this solicitation amendment. As a reminder, please ensure to review the entirety of the solicitaition when submitting a proposal to the Government. Failure to follow the submission instructions may render you proposal non-responsive. Non-responsive proposals may no longer be considered for evaluation and award. Additionally, the Government team is currently working on the responses to industry questions. Responses to industry questions will be posted at a later date as an amendment to the current solicitation. Please continue to monitor SAM.gov for future updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 May 2024 Please be informed that the subject solicitation has been amended. The purpose of the solicitation amendment is to extend the Request for Proposal (RFP) due date and time. In accordance with the solicitation amendment, proposals are now due 17 June 2024 at 10:00 AM Mountain Time. See attached SF30 for this solicitation amendment. As a reminder, please ensure to review the entirety of the solicitaition when submitting a proposal to the Government. Failure to follow the submission instructions may render you proposal non-responsive. Non-responsive proposals may no longer be considered for evaluation and award. Additionally, the Government team is currently working on the responses to industry questions. Responses to industry questions will be posted at a later date as an amendment to the current solicitation. Please continue to monitor SAM.gov for future updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 May 2024 Please be informed that the subject solicitation has been amended. The purpose of the solicitation amendment is to extend the Request for Proposal (RFP) due date and time. In accordance with the solicitation amendment, proposals are now due 3 June 2024 at 10:00 AM Mountain Time. See attached SF30 for this solicitation amendment. As a reminder, please ensure to review the entirety of the solicitaition when submitting a proposal to the Government. Failure to follow the submission instructions may render you proposal non-responsive. Non-responsive proposals may no longer be considered for evaluation and award. Additionally, the Government team is currently working on the responses to industry questions. Responses to industry questions will be posted at a later date as an amendment to the current solicitation. Please continue to monitor SAM.gov for future updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the solicitation for the Power Infrastructure and Solar System Upgrade Project at the Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory (MLO) site, Hawaii All offerors are required to review the entirety of this solicitation. Failure to meet submission requirements may render your proposal as nonresponsive and may no longer be considered for evaluation and award. Due dates and times listed in this solicitation are in Mountain Time. Solicitation questions shall be submitted to the Google Portal Link below no later than 10:00 AM Mountain Time on 29 April 2024. https://forms.gle/87itwJxeVGScBYTB8 Please see attachments for the entire solicitation and solicitation attachments. DISCLOSURE OF MAGNITUDE In accordance with FAR 36.204(f) the disclosure of magnitude is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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44-2441 Mauna Loa Access Road, Waimea, HI

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