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Published April 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charlton, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Sealed bids for the following DPW materials which will be used on approximately 10,000 linear feet of road surface. 1. Bituminous concrete, Type I, in place (Must be pre-qualified) "MassDOT prequalifications of contractors with the class of work as, Pavement Surfacing, for the project with an estimated value of $ 573,230.00 will be required." 2. Full Depth Pavement Reclamation (Calcium Chloride) (Must be pre-qualified) all grading included. "MassDOT prequalifications of contractors with the class of work as, Pavement Surfacing, for the project with an estimated value of $97,685.40 will be required." 3. Stone Seal, Double Stone Seal & 10% Asphalt Rubber Surface Treatment (Must be pre-qualified). "MassDOT prequalifications of contractors with the class of work as, Pavement Surfacing, for the project with an estimated value of $245,182.50 will be required." This is a state funded project that exceeds $50,000.00, therefore, all contractors intending to bid on Item 1 - Bituminous concrete, Type I, in place and Item 2 - Scarifying and pulverizing in place asphalt pavement, all grading included and Item 3 - Stone Seal, Double Stone Seal & 10% Asphalt Rubber Surface Treatment, must be pre-qualified by the Contract Engineer, Room 7373, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116. With submission of the properly executed "Approval for Proposal Form" to the office of the Town Administrator, Municipal Office Building, 37 Main Street, Charlton MA 01507, the prospective bidder will be entitled to a non-transferable proposal package. Prospective bidders must obtain and utilize the bid package. The Town Administrator in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Municipal Office Building, 37 Main Street, Charlton MA 01507, must receive sealed bids, no later than April 22, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Each item shall be clearly marked in a separate envelope as to which category the bidder has chosen, i.e. "Item 1 - Bituminous concrete, Type I, in place". Any deviations from Massachusetts General Laws, Massachusetts Highway Department requirements and proposal stipulations will result in an automatic disqualification from the bidding process. This bid is advertised under Chapter 30; Section 39M, Chapter 149, Section 26 - 27F of the M.G.L., in reference to the prevailing wage rates. All road material work and materials shall conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts Highway Department Standard Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Waterways. All bids must be submitted under Chapter 30, Section 39M, which requires a bid deposit in the form of a bid bond. The amount of such bid deposit shall be five per cent of the value of the bid. Within ten days of the notification of award, the contractor is required to provide a security bond under section twenty-nine of Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine, for 50% of the contract award All bids are effective April 22, 2024 and expire April 22, 2025. Any questions should be directed to Harold Piehl, DPW Superintendent at 508-248-2212. The Town Administrator reserves the right to waive any minor informality in the bids and reject any or all bids and to make awards in a manner deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 22, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Charlton, MA

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