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Demolition and site work for a multi-residential development in Salem, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the demolition of a multi-residential development; and for site work for a multi-residential development.

The proposed work includes the following major items: Building Demolition, Five Buildings, (34, 36, 77, 45-47, & 6 UNION STREET ) Complete . Traffic Control UST Removal, Up To 1000 Gallons, (IAWD) All materials shall be classified as Asbestos Containing Material Specifications and Proposal Forms may be secured by prospective bidders during business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday; 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday) at the office of Bryson & Yates Consulting Engineers, LLC, 307 Greentree Road, Sewell, NJ, upon payment of $100.00; and can be obtained up to 48 hours prior to the time set for the opening of the bids. Each proposal bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, of which, the amount of the bond or certified check need not exceed $20,000, made payable to the CITY OF SALEM. All blank spaces in the proposal, except as otherwise noted, must be filled in; and no change shall be made in the phraseology of the proposals or of the item mentioned. All information that may be requested of the bidder in these specifications shall be included with this proposal. All erasures, interpolations, or other physical changes on the bid form shall be initialed or signed by the bidder. The successful bidder will be required to furnish, within ten (10) days after the award, a Surety Corporation Performance Bond or Letter of Credit equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. All applicable surety bonds or LOC required must be written by a surety company listed on the Federal Treasury List (Department Circular 570-Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds) and such surety company must be acceptable to the CITY ADMINISTRATOR and authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and/ or all bids, to waive any informalities, or to accept the bid, which in its judgment, best serves the interest of the OWNER. All technical questions may be directed to Bryson & Yates Consulting Engineers, LLC, via email at The purpose of this section is to clarify, but not in any way limit or intend to limit the scope of work shown in the Contract Documents. The enumeration of the following items shall in no way be construed to exclude other items ofwork, or areas of responsibility, which are called for in the Contract Documents. The project described herein consists of the buildings and/or ancillary structures as listed in the Contract Documents. In addition to the building and/or ancillary structures, it is expected that some buildings and/or ancillary structures will have additional physical features such as driveways, sidewalks, sheds, etc. which will also need to be removed. The objective of this scope of work is to demolish and remove all building materials (to be classified as Asbestos Containing Product) related to each lot as well as all physical features identified on the individual lots in the Contract Documents. Each building and/or ancillary structure will also be restored by backfilling any basement holes, utility trenches, tree root holes, foundations, etc. to grade, and restoring with topsoil, seeding and hay mulch, or a DGA/RCA/crushed stone surface. Only clean fill in accordance with the specifications and NJDEP Residential Direct Contact Soil Remediation Standards shall be imported for backfill to establish permanent stabilization for each site. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to provide and maintain all appropriate Soil Erosion and Sediment Control measures per the Mercer County Soil Conservation District. CONTRACTOR shall take precaution and not damage the public street, curbs and sidewalks within the vicinity of each demolition. All dumpsters shall be placed on wood dunnage; all demolition equipment shall have rubber tracks or full timber dunnage or %" panels be placed on the road for loading and unloading equipment from the low-boys. CONTRACTOR shall complete the water and sewer disconnects at each building as part of the disconnect permit process. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the Asbestos Abatement Statement and Demolition Checklist (found at the end of the specifications) must be completed. Question Deadline 04/15/2024 at 4:00 PM ET All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted, in writing, to Engineer. Questions received less than five (5) days before the date for opening of Bids will not be answered




Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Salem, NJ

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