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Renovation of a municipal facility in Gilbert, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Purpose: The purpose ofthis RFQ is to establish a Qualified Select Bidders List of contractors who have the capability, resources, and expertise required for the construction ofvertical municipal building projects in the Town ofGilbert. The list will be in effect for one year with options to renew by the Town for four consecutive years. The Town ofGilbert invites qualified construction companies to submit a Statement ofQualifications (SOQ) to be considered for inclusion on this Qualified Select Bidders list. Qualified companies will be eligible to receive invitations for bid (IFB), ifreleased by GILBERT. GILBERT intends to issue an IFB for the construction of an Advocacy Center first but will also consider utilizing this Qualified Select Bidders list for other vertical municipal building projects. The Advocacy Center will be federally funded, as detailed below, but not necessarily all IFBs released to companies on the final list will involve federal funds. Pre-Qualification: The Respondent understands that this Solicitation or the Response shall not constitute a contract with GILBERT. GILBERT anticipates issuing additional solicitations for construction services to those on the Qualified Select Bidders List but reserves the right not to issue additional solicitations or to not make any award whatsoever, ifdetermined to be in the interest of the Town. The respondent will be responsible for the complete construction and aid in assisting the Town in achieving the stated facility goals and objectives. Compliance with requirements ofthe ARPA, SLFRF funding, and the Davis-Bacon Act is critical and central to the company's role and responsibility. Minimum Qualifications: To be eligible for the Qualified Select Bidders List, all respondents must meet the following minimum criteria: - Arizona Registrar of Contractors, B-l General Commercial Contractor - Experience Modification Rating (EMR), Maximum Allowed 1.1 - Insurance Requirements: Specific requirements per the RFQ Project Description: Qualified companies will be eligible to receive invitationsfor bid (IFB), if released by GILBERTutilizing this Qualified SelectBidders list. GILBERTintends to issue an IFBforthe construction ofan Advocacy Centerfirst as delineated in project description below. Project Description: The potential first project that GILBERT intends to construct is an Advocacy Center (CIP MF2490). For this project, Gilbert plans to execute a contract with a construction contractor by early fall 2024. ARPA funding requirements for the Advocacy Center (MF2490) require the obligation offunds by December 31,2024. The construction contractor will ensure that the facility is constructed, and all federal funds are expended by August 2026. One construction contract will be awarded for the Advocacy Center Project. This will be a Design-Bid-Build Project pursuant to ARS Section 34-601 et seq. A general description ofthe Project is: This project includes all construction and post construction tasks associated with the proposed Advocacy Center to be constructed in Gilbert. This new facility will allow Police, social workers, Department ofChild Safety agents, Office ofChild Welfare Investigations officials, prosecuting attorneys, on-site health care workers and others to work together to reduce the trauma experienced by victims ofphysical and sexual abuse. This project is funded through federal Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) and will follow American Rescue Plan Act of2021 (ARPA) funding requirements, including without limitation the Department ofthe Treasury's Final Rule implementing the SLFRF program and the Office ofManagement and Budget's (0MB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards 2 CFR, part 200 (Uniform Guidance), and the Davis-Bacon Act. The respondent will be responsible for the complete construction and aid in assisting the Town in achieving the stated facility goals and objectives. Compliance with requirements ofthe ARPA, SLFRF funding, and the Davis-Bacon Act is critical and central to the company's role and responsibility.




Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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