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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Middle Township, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Generator Preventative Maintenance, Testing, Emergency Service and as Needed Repairs Countywide INTENT: The intent of this specification is to solicit bids from qualified firms to provide testing, preventative maintenance, as needed repairs, and immediate service for generator systems. Service involves the testing, maintenance, and repair of generators of various manufacturers and sizes. The generators listed in Attachment I are to be serviced and maintained to preserve their operating characteristics in line with the original design purpose. The County of Cape May (hereinafter, 'County') reserves the right to add generator equipment, locations, and add/delete services per generator system equipment / location at its' sole discretion. Added generator systems shall be eligible for all scheduled and immediate services as specified. The purchase or installation of an existing system replacement or substantial upgrades/repairs to existing systems will be quoted between the contracted vendor and noncontracted vendor(s). If the contracted vendor is the lowest quote for the work, labor rates bid in this contract will apply. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or in part and to waive such informalities as may be permitted by law. Respondents are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27. The County of Cape May (hereinafter the "County") assumes no responsibility for a Bid opened in error due to improperly marked envelopes. A Bid cannot be withdrawn after the expiration of the time established for receiving Bids, nor can any changes in price or other substantive details be made by letter, electronic mail, telephone, or verbal statement. It is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure that Bids are presented to the County on the hour and at the place designated herein. Bids may be hand delivered, mailed, or sent express carrier. The County assumes no responsibility for Bids forwarded by mail or express carrier. Bids received after the designated time and date will be returned, unopened, to the Bidder. Bids must be signed in ink by a duly authorized official and only original signatures will be accepted. Any Bid showing any erasure/alteration must be initialed in ink by the Bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any firm in preparing or submitting a Bid. All Bids shall provide a straight-forward, concise delineation of the firm's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this Bid. Emphasis should be on completeness, cost, and clarity of content. Bidders shall furnish one (1) signed original Bid Proposal, clearly labeled as "Original" on the front of the bid, one (1) Copy; and one (1) Electronic Copy, in PDF format in a USB Flash Drive of the completed Bid Proposal. PDF files via e-mail will not be accepted. The Contract shall be awarded on a firm-fixed basis to the single lowest, responsible Bidder. Term of Contract: The initial term of the contract(s) shall be for One (1) Year commencing, upon execution by the County. Furthermore, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-15, there shall be an option for Two (2) additional One (1) year options at the same terms and conditions. This contract extension shall automatically take effect, unless the County notifies the vendor in writing of its intent not to extend for the additional contract terms. Said notice shall be sent Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, via U.S. mail and shall be received by the vendor no later than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the existing contract term. Questions regarding these specifications must be directed in writing to Allison L. Hansen via email at Deadline for questions is FRIDAY, APRIL 12th , 2024 @ 12:00 P.M., NOON. Award results are posted electronically. A Bid Bond, Certified Check, or Cashier's Check made payable to the County of Cape May, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid (not to exceed $20,000.00) MUST accompany this RFP. Failure to comply shall constitute a material defect that can neither be cured, nor waived, and shall result in rejection of the RFP. This security shall be subject to forfeiture and retention by the County, in lieu of other remedies, should the successful Bidder fail to execute the Contract within twenty-one (21) days after award of the Contract, pursuant to N.J.S.A.40A:11-24(b). Performance Bond: N/A Award/Reject Proposals: Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-24(a), the Cape May County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to consider the Proposals for sixty (60) days after the receipt thereof; and further reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, waive informalities, make such awards, or take action as may be in the best interest of the County.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 24, 2024

May 24, 2024


Multiple Locations, Middle Township, NJ

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