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Published April 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Midland, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and fitness / recreation center.

Purchase and installation of fitness equipment at Midland High School and H.H. Dow High School SCOPE: 1. The Successful Bidder shall provide the following Fitness Equipment: To be furnished and installed @ Midland High School (1301 Eastlawn Dr. Midland MI 48642) (First floor): a. Treadmills (4: Four): Spirt XT685 (or comparable model) b. Elliptical Fitness Trainer (7: Seven): SpirtXE395 (or comparable model) c. Exercise Bike: (26: Twenty-Six): Pro-Form Carbon CX (or comparable model) To be furnished and installed @ H. H. Dow High School (3901 N. Saginaw Rd. Midland MI 48640) (Second Floor - Elevator is available): d. Exercise Bike: (15: Fifteen): Pro-Form Carbon CX (or comparable model) e. Rowing Machines: (2: Two): Concept 2 RowErg Model D (or comparable model) 2. The Successful Bidder shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and on-site supervisory oversight necessary for the installation of the equipment. 3. All buildings and furnishings shall be protected by the Successful Bidder from damage which might be done or caused by work performed. Any damage caused directly or indirectly by the Successful Bidder's agents or suppliers shall be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of the Successful Bidder by methods approved by Midland Public Schools to restore the damaged area(s) to its pre-installation conditions. Midland Public Schools shall deem such repairs acceptable only after inspection and approval. 4. All new materials shall be asbestos free and installed in accordance with the appropriate manufacturer's recommendations. 5. All packaging/debris must be removed from the building daily and hauled away after project is complete. 6. The district will have a dumpster onsite for use by the successful contractor. 7. The work will be completed at a date no later than June 14th, 2024. Installation is to be completed during days/hours not disruptive to the educational setting. 8. Removal of current equipment will be the responsibility of the Midland Public Schools Sealed bids will be accepted at which time bids will be opened and read aloud for presentation to the Board of Education at their next regularly scheduled meeting. No oral, telephonic or facsimile proposals will be considered. No proposals will be considered after time of closing of bids other than an act of God, determined by the district. Owners Rights: The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all item(s) in the bid; to accept or reject any or all bid(s); to waive any informalities therein; or for any reason, to award the contract to other than the low bidder. If a unit price or extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. All bids shall be firm for one hundred eighty days (180) from the date of the bid opening. All bids must include a signed "Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certification" and a "Familial Relationship Disclosure" form (enclosed with documents). Questions should be referred to Brian Brutyn, Associate Superintendent through e-mail only @ BrutynBR@midlandps.org The work will be completed at a date no later than June 14th, 2024. Installation is to be completed during days/hours not disruptive to the educational setting. Instruction to Bidders 1. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to read this entire document, review all enclosures and attachment, and comply with all requirements specified within. 2. Bids received after the scheduled opening time will not be accepted. 3. The only bids accepted will be hard copy paper bids. 4. No bid may be withdrawn, changed or modified in any way for a period of one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from date of bid opening. 5. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the bid confers no rights for the withdrawal of the bid after it has been opened. 6. Bids received prior to time of opening will be kept securely unopened. No responsibility will be attached to school district employee who prematurely opens an incorrectly addressed bid proposal. 7. If either a unit price or extended price is obviously in error or the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. 8. Midland Public Schools is exempt from state and federal taxes. 9. All bids are subject to acceptance by Midland Public Schools Board of Education which reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to split awards by items, to waive irregularities or defects, and accept other than the low bid when deemed to be in the best interest of Midland Public Schools. 10. The laws of the State of Michigan shall govern rights, obligations, and remedies of the Parties under this bid and any agreement reached through this process. 11. All information included in a bid response is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be disclosed in its entirety after the formal, public bid opening has been completed. 12. By submission of the proposal, the bidder certifies that the pricing structure offered has been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or agreement of such prices for the purpose of restricting competition with any other bidder or competitor. 13. The bidder agrees to hold and save Midland Public Schools, its officers, agents and employees harmless from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses, with respect to any claim, actin, cost or judgment for patent, copyright or trademark infringement arising out of the purchase or use of equipment, materials, supplies, or services covered by this bid document. 14. The contractor shall provide items of a minor nature, not specifically noted in these specification, so as to provide a complete, operable and Owner acceptable service. 15. Contractors are required to comply with the Safety Rules and Accident Prevention plan. The district reserves the right to exclude any worker(s) from the job site(s) for violation of these work rules or any other such offenses deemed inappropriate by the District. 16. The contractor shall clean their job area daily and dispose of all trash and debris leaving the area broom clean. 17. It is the responsibility of the contractor/bidder to field verify all existing field conditions. Bidders shall inspect the work site and take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature of the work; and general and local conditions which can affect the work or cost thereof. Failure to do so will not relieve the bidders from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 18. The sites are available for your inspections by appointment.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 12, 2024

May 13, 2024


Multiple Locations, Midland, MI

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