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Site work, paving and renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Hildale, Utah. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for paving for a playground / park / athletic field.

Hildale City (the "City") is soliciting Qualifications for Architectural and Design Services related to the renovation and improvements of Maxwell Park (the "Park") located in Hildale, Utah. Maxwell Park is on existing BLM leased property. The City's adopted General Plan calls for the renovation and improvements. The City intends to engage in a traditional Design-Bid-Build process by contracting with a qualified Architectural or Landscape Design firm for design and production of bid documents used to bid out the construction project. The City intends to also select a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) for this project and anticipates using the selected Architectural/Landscape firm(s) for immediate assistance in this process. The City recently drew a Concept Plan (attached to this RFQ) for the Park. A further process of assembling stakeholders and key professionals in order to identify the most important elements of the renovation and improvements will be facilitated. During this collaborative process, the City/ Architect will identify the major Park improvements and amenities as shown on the Concept Plan and compare it to the 2016 proposal submitted for renewal of the BLM Lease for the park property. The principal purpose of this RFQ is to hire services that will identify all construction work and materials needed to bid out the construction of the Park renovation and expansion. Each firm should submit a Scope of Services with their proposal. The Scope of Services should include, but is not limited to, project methodology, timetable and project intervals when City input is expected, estimated costs, related experience and qualifications of the firm or individuals proposing to perform the work, list of similar projects, names and contact information of previous relevant clients and a detailed fee proposal. Expected work and project deliverables include: 1. Assisting the City to select a CM/GC firm early in the design process. It is the City's intention to have a high level of coordination between the selected architectural and design services firm and the CM/GC so that the selected CM/GC may participate in design meetings and have input on constructability and cost-effective solutions while still preserving the design intent of the Concept Plan. 2. Development of detailed and cost-effective materials lists. 3. A project timeline that includes key project intervals that allows for review and coordination with the City on project progress. 4. An opinion of the probable cost of the project or project alternatives, including material costs. 5. A plan for all required utilities including, but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, telephone, electric, fiber optic, site lighting, site communications and potential backup power. 6. A detailed landscaping plan for the entire renovation and expansion generally consistent with the concept plan. Landscaping plans should consider low water use and effective stormwater management. The site design should be sensitive to and shall protect existing valuable trees, particularly along the west side of the Park where existing mature trees are located. 7. Surveying services which include sufficient detail for all planning and design purposes. Maps shall include all surface features, utilities, both buried and above ground, and all other relevant information necessary for the construction of the project. 8. A Geotechnical report shall be prepared which shall include an individual geotechnical investigation/study on each feature that will require a foundation element or slab on grade, including all proposed buildings, shade structures, bridges, parking lots, pools, tennis/pickleball courts, loaded features, etc. The study for each feature should include adequate subsurface investigations, laboratory testing, and engineering analysis to provide the required design parameters. The City will review the scope proposed for each of the elements of the project for compliance with City Code. 9. ADA compliance is required on the project and all plans submitted shall be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The City has budgeted approximately $7 million for the renovation and improvements of Maxwell Park. Controlling project costs is critical to the success of the project and successful proposals should include a methodology for controlling costs either through innovative use of construction materials and techniques, phasing and timing of improvements, use of alternative materials and any other ways that the City can stay within its anticipated budget. The budget for Architectural and Design Services has not been set, but fee proposals related to this RFQ should be in a not-to-exceed form. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Lawrence Barlow, Economic Development Director, at (435)212-4592 or via email at with cc: BLM will need to be included in the approval process for final drawings. Private Landowners adjacent to the park will be involved in the design for traffic and utilities access. The Spring Water access, for drinking water, will be a component of consideration for an alternate site and advertising the adjustment for Spring Water vending.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 2, 2025


1750 Maxwell Pkwy, Hildale, UT

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