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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Granite Falls, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Work will be performed at the Verlot Public Service Center, 33515 Mountain Loop Parkway, Granite Falls WA. Work will be performed from 05/01/2024 until 10/01/2024.Items are priced on a monthly basis. Items 1001 through 4001 are option years which may be exercised at the governments discretion. o From May 1 to June 30, mow all lawns once a week, and weed eat around signs, picnic tables and Public Restroom. o From July 1 to Oct 1, mow all lawns, and weed eat around signs and picnic tables., once every 2 weeks. o From May 1 to Oct 1 use blower on walkways around Visitor Center and Public Restroom. o Provide and use own equipment. o Lawns include: The island between the parking area and the road, around the Service Center and Timber house, the grassy area over to the access road, that includes the area under the trees, around the bathrooms and picnic tables. Also in this area is the grass strip from the vehicle garage to the access road. On top of the hill, lawn mowing includes the lawn around bunkhouse #1346, the large field west of the warehouse that has the helicopter landing, the grassy area under the trees south of the warehouse and including the lawn around house # 1141. Also included is the grassy area to the east of the warehouse. o Weed eating around signs and picnic tables includes the sign on the grassy island at the public parking area. The picnic tables in the lawn areas around the Public Service Center, and around the public restrooms. This does not include signs and picnic tables stockpiled on the lawns near the warehouse. Period of Performance: 05/01/2024 to 04/30/2025



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 19, 2024

May 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Granite Falls, WA

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