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Published April 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Maquoketa, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

General: The City of Maquoketa is requesting sealed competitive bids for repairs to the Public Works Truck Storage Building. The project will be divided into 3 bid packages. 1. Steel siding package 2. Overhead door replacement 3. Concrete floor installation Place a bid on an individual item or on all three packages. You will need to bid each package separately even if you are bidding on more than one package. The City reserves the right to reject all bids, waive informalities and make a decision that best suits the interests of the citizens of Maquoketa. Please keep in mind that sales tax does not pertain to municipal work and should not be included in your bid. There will not be a mandatory pre-bid meeting. Please call the director of Public Works at 563-652-4628 with any questions. We will post any questions regarding bids and answers to our website and on a bulletin board at City Hall. Bid Security: Each quotation shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond, Certified Check, Certified Share Draft or Cashier's Check in a separate envelope in an amount equal to five (5%) of the total amount of the bid as security that if awarded a contract, the bidder will enter into a contract at the prices quoted and furnish the required performance and payment bonds and certificates of insurance. The Certified Check, Certified Share Draft or Cashier's Check shall be drawn on a bank or credit union in Iowa or a bank or credit union chartered under the laws of the United States of America and payable to the City of Maquoketa, Iowa. The Certified Check, Certified Share Draft or Cashier's Check may be cashed, or the Bid Bond forfeited, and the proceeds retained as liquidated damages if the bidder fails to execute a contract or file acceptable bonds or provide an acceptable certificate of insurance within 30 days after the acceptance of his proposal by resolution of the City. No bidder may withdraw a proposal within 45 days after the date set for opening bids. Timeline: All work is to be completed no later than Friday, June 24, 2024. Any questions about the bidding process for these projects may be directed to Frank Ellenz, Public Works Director, at 563-212-0595. Steel Siding Package This package includes: Removal of the bottom and top 3' of the steel wall siding and replaces with new steel. New bottom T & G planks. New top eave boards along with gutters and downspouts. 1. Building measures 54' x 86' 2. Cut and remove along the bottom of the building the bottom 3' of steel siding around perimeter of building. 3. Remove all rotten wood planks. 4. Install two rows of new 2x8 treated T & G planks around the perimeter of building. 5. Install new 3' pieces of steel siding around the perimeter of the bottom of the building with appropriate trim pieces and fasteners. 6. Cut and remove along the top of the building the top 3' of steel siding on the two long sides of the building. 7. Remove the rotten eave boards. 8. Install new eave boards and eave trim along the top of the building on the two long sides of the building. 9. Install new 3' pieces of steel siding on the two long sides of the building. 10. Install new 6" seamless gutters and downspouts on both long sides of the building. Overhead Door Package This package includes: Removal of 12 x 12 overhead door. Replace with a 20 x 13 overhead door. This includes removing all old framing and installing new framing, posts, headers required to install new door. 1. Remove existing 12'x12' overhead door and existing framing. 2. Remove end wall steel as needed. 3. Remove ceiling steel as needed. 4. Install new posts, framing and headers for new door. 5. Reinstall old end wall steel along with ceiling steel. 6. Reinsulate ceiling as needed. 7. Install trim as needed. 8. Install new insulated overhead door.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 23, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Maquoketa, IA

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