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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Gainesville, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Proposal Questions Deadline: April 24, 2024 OVERVIEW The City of Gainesville, Georgia (hereafter referred to as "The City") and Hall County (hereafter referred to as "The County") seeks Proposals to perform the work required for the Athens Street Corridor Park, Recreational Trail, Lighting, Pedestrian and General Facilities Improvements Design & Bidding Services explained in the following request for proposal. PROPOSAL RESPONSE DATE AND LOCATION The Financial Services Department must receive the vendor's Proposal in a sealed envelope, in its entirety, no later than 2:00 PM, Eastern Daylight Time in Gainesville, Georgia on (April 30, 2024). Proposals arriving after the deadline will be returned unopened to their senders. All Proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of the City of Gainesville and may not be returned. Eight (8) original copies and one (1) digital copy of this Proposal must be submitted to allow for evaluation. Proposals must be clearly marked on the outside of the package: Athens Street Corridor Park, Recreational Trail, Lighting, Pedestrian and General Facilities Improvements Design & Bidding Services Proposal No. 24021 Vendors assume the risk of the method of dispatch chosen. The City of Gainesville assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Postmarking by the due date will not substitute for actual Proposal receipt. Late Proposals will not be accepted nor will additional time be granted to any vendor. Proposals may not be delivered by facsimile transmission or other telecommunication or solely by electronic means. PROJECT BACKGROUND "Forgotten, blighted, unattractive" is how community stakeholders recently described the current conditions of the Athens Street and U.S. Hwy 129-S corridors. While there are important economic engines and businesses in the corridor that provide jobs and invest resources in Gainesville, Hall County; the Athens Street area faces unique challenges with the intersection of industrial and residential developments, divided by a railroad and again by an interstate highway. The "Athens Street" corridor, which stretches southward from its intersection with Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to Athens Highway/U.S. Hwy 129-South, is plagued by fractured, insufficient pedestrian infrastructure; very little accessible public greenspace and parks; and a lack of connectivity within and outwardly. The 2022 Athens Street-129 South Corridor Master Plan illustrates a stakeholder-driven vision to invest in Athens Street and to reconnect it both visually and physically as well as outlines recommendations related to sidewalk connectivity, improved pedestrian safety, greenspace and gathering places in the Athens Street corridor. City of Gainesville and Hall County are committed to assisting with the implementation of the Athens Street Master Plan and intend to use their respective State Improving Neighborhood Outcomes in Disproportionally Impacted Communities grants to provide a complete pedestrian network in order to enhance safety and walkability, to beautify the corridor with street trees and other landscaping, to improve public infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, stormwater, etc.) and to provide new or improved parks, trails, greenspaces and gathering places. This project, which is grant-funded with a strict completion deadline, will increase connectivity within and from the Athens Street area to existing parks, public greenspaces, and healthcare facilities. SCOPE OF SERVICES The project objectives include the following elements: o Deliverables will be for two (2) segments that will put out to bid separately: 1. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to the I-985 Bridge and 2. I-985 Bridge to Athens Highway/U.S. Hwy 129- South. o Prepare and conduct a project kickoff meeting with the Athens Street Multi Trial Work Group project management team to review project objectives, schedule, special conditions, data needs, and communication procedures. o Have all existing utilities located and surveyed. Survey grade GPS will be accepted. o Conduct any additional field survey that is required to verify existing conditions. This survey is to include anything that could have a noticeable impact on design and construction. o Alternatives Analysis, with cost estimates and typical sections, as follows: o Pedestrian Facilities along Athens Street - (1) 10-foot wide multiuse trail on the westerly side of Athens Street from Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to the I-985 Bridge and (2) 5-foot wide sidewalks on both sides of Athens Street from Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to the I-985 Bridge. o Pedestrian Facilities from Athens Street to Butler Park. o Pedestrian crossings at street intersections and mid-block crossings. o Attend public meeting(s) and provide visuals such as the typical sections, colored renderings, and presentation boards with construction drawings at the 60% phase of engineering and design. o Prepare design drawings to include the following: o 30% Final Location Review. o 60% Plan and Profiles Design Review. o 90% Review with Cost Estimate. o Prepare contract documents. o Submit and receive all required permits. o Prepare all contractor pre-qualification documents, review packages, and submit recommendation letter to Athens Street Multi Trail Work Group members. o Prepare all bid documents and assist staff in the bidding process. o Prepare as-built drawings using field markups and contractor provided field survey.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 7, 2024

July 8, 2024


Athens St, Gainesville, GA

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