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Published April 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Appleton, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Scope of Work Reference the "CAB Tuckpointing Manual" dated 3/26/2024 for elevations of the Cab building. These drawing are 1941 drawings and are to be used as reference only in showing the building sections. The drawing do not show building modifications or addition since 1941 and as a result, it shall be contractor responsibility to verify actual site conditions prior to submitting a bid. Contractor shall re-tuckpoint all joints, seams and cracks within the exterior surface of the building including around windows. Use commercial grade silicone sealant, Tremco brand or equivalent for all joints seams and cracks, colored to match building color. Existing tuck-pointing is a mortar type joint filler. Remove existing mortar joints, cut back mortar joints 1' or deeper as required, clean joints, install backer material as needed and then apply silicone tuckpoint sealant per the manufactures recommendations and industry standards for tuck-pointing. Finished tuckpointing joints, seams and cracks shall be done in a professional and clean manner, keeping sealing within the joints and off of the adjacent building surfaces. Contractor shall clean up any excessive sealant form wall areas. Perform work in a manner where seams and joints are sealed shortly after old tuckpointing has been removed in order to prevent water penetration into the building. Completed small enough sections at a time in order to prevent open sections during damp or rainy weather. Work can be performed during normal working hours, however contractor shall use safety precautions when working around employee entrances and general site safe work practices. Site clean-up of any debris relating to the project. In addition to any manufactures warranty, provide a one-year warranty on all labor and materials. Contractor is responsible for any required permits. Contract must also have a minimum of 3 years' experience tuckpointing commercial or government type buildings. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a bid bond prepared on the surety standard form duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety there on a surety company licensed in the State of Wisconsin, in the amount of five percent (5%) of your total bid price, payable to the owner as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will execute and file with the owner within ten (10) days from the date the lowest responsible bidders bid is accepted, the required insurance certificate, a performance bond and a labor and material payment bond, for the faithful performance of this project, and for the complete payment of all persons either performing labor or furnishing materials for the completion of this project. If the bidder fails to file such certificate and bonds within ten (10) days from the acceptance, the bid security shall be forfeited to the owner as liquidated damages. Attorney's-in-fact who sign bid bonds, performance bonds, labor and material payment bonds must file with each bond a certified and currently dated copy of their power of attorney. Failure to submit a bid bond will result in the rejection of your bid. Any questions that come up and require additional information will be posted online at owner then Bids / Proposals. A contract will be issued by end of day May 8th The Contractor shall achieve substantial completion shall be by 3:00 pm CT October 25, 2024. Failure to achieve substantial completion by October 25 th will result in a $100 per calendar day liquidated damages penalty. Outagamie County reserves the right to request clarifications for any bid.

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320 S Walnut St, Appleton, WI

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