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Published April 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a development in Sunapee, New Hampshire. Conceptual plans call for site work for a development.
The Town of Sunapee, NH is soliciting a bid to develop a watershed management plan to mitigate phosphorus loading in the watershed of Perkins Pond. Questions concerning this RFQ must be submitted no later than 12 April 2024. Questions concerning this RFQ must be submitted via e-mail to Skylar Hathorn by email at Any questions about this RFQ raised by an individual/firm will be answered in a summary digest and will be provided to those who request to be put on an e-mail list to receive the digest and will be posted on the Town's website. Please email Skylar Hathorn to be placed on the email distribution list. 6. SCOPE OF REQUIRED SERVICES Development of a watershed management plan that meets the criteria for the Clean Water Act Section 319 Guidance for Watershed Management Plans will include the following: 1. Compile historical water quality data and determine what additional data is needed to assimilate capacity (phosphorus and nitrogen) in the pond and watershed. 2. Establish in-pond water quality goals for phosphorus and nitrogen in Perkins Pond. 3. Quantifying the sources and potential sources of nutrient loading (phosphorus, nitrogen, sediment) in the total watershed that will be accounted for and addressed. This will include calculating amounts from each source and recommended management practices. The fieldwork for this project can be done in collaboration with the Perkins Pond Protective Association. This will include year around collection of water samples (stream and pond) along with streamflow measurements. 4. Determination of estimated reductions for phosphorous and nitrogen by implementing recommended management practices for the watershed. 5. NPS management measures (BMPs) will be recommended for addressing sources in the watershed focusing on critical areas where mitigation will provide the greatest phosphorus and nitrogen load reductions and progress toward achieving the in-pond water quality goals established for Perkins Pond. 6. Expected costs of technical assistance required to implement the management plan recommendations along with potential funding sources. 7. A public outreach plan will be developed for working with the town, landowners, and stakeholders. 8. An implementation schedule will be created for implementing recommended management practices. 9. A detailed description of milestones for each stage of the management plan implementation. 10. Establish criteria to be used for assessing phosphorus and nitrogen reductions for Perkins Pond and its tributaries. 11. A detailed monitoring plan will be completed for measuring the effectiveness of the management plan using stream and pond water chemistry in subsequent years. The consultant will work collaboratively with the Town of Sunapee and the Perkins Pond Protective Association and their partners to coordinate the development of the watershed management plan. Insurance Requirements: The selected firm must submit proof of liability and workers compensation prior to execution of the contract including comprehensive public liability insurance coverage amounts of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. 7 April 2024 Questions and answers posted to Town of Sunapee The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.
Conservation and Development
Public - City
Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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