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Published April 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Midlothian, Illinois. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Village of Midlothian invites Statements of Qualifications from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) pre-qualified engineering firms to assist the Village in completing professional engineering services for Phase II - Design Engineering for Belly Button Hill Drainage Improvements. This project is being Federally funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (CCDOTH). Therefore, this consultant selection will be in accordance with the Qualification Based Selection (QBS) guidelines in the Brooks Act (40 USC 11) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements for Procurement, Management and Administration of Engineering and Design Related Services (23 CFR 172). PROJECT OVERVIEW The purpose of the improvement is to provide Phase II Design Engineering and Bid Documents to construct new detention and storm sewers in the Belly Button Hill subdivision. A preliminary drainage study was conducted by the Village in 2019 identifying possible solutions. This will be used as a basis for the Phase II Engineering and can be provided upon request from interested firms. Construction funds for said improvement have not yet been obtained by the Village and no letting date is currently targeted. 1. Firm Experience and Qualifications: Include general background of firm, experience, and expertise. Also include the identification, experience, and qualifications of subconsultants who will work on the project. 2. Project Understanding and Approach: -Midlo 4-4 Belly Button #2 2x17 1/2 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the scope of services. Provide a description of the firm's familiarity with similar projects, including the use LEGAL NOTICE of gray and green infrastructure and the project REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS funding source. Describe any key elements expected to play a meaningful role in the project, BELLY BUTTON HILL DRAINAGE such as stakeholder engagement. 3. Past Performance: Provide a description of IMPROVEMENTS similar projects completed by the firm within the 4/3/2024 last ten (10) years, including client references who can attest to the firm's performance. 4. Project Schedule: Provide a timeline for the of Midlothian invites Statements of from Illinois Department of Transportation services to be provided that will meet project -qualified engineering firms to assist the milestones and the expected project completion completing professional engineering services date. II - Design Engineering for Belly Button Hill 5. Resumes: Attach resumes of key personnel who Improvements. This project is being Federally will work on the project; limited to two pages American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds each. Cook County Department of Transportation (CCDOTH). Therefore, this consultant will be in accordance with the Qualification EVALUATION CRITERIA Selection (QBS) guidelines in the Brooks Act (40 1. Firm Experience 25% 2. Team's Experience and Qualifications, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for Procurement, Management and including Sub-consultants 20% 3. Key Personnel Expertise/Past Performance: 20% of Engineering and Design Related CFR 172). 6. Technical Approach to Project: 25% 5. Local Presence: 10% OVERVIEW CERTIFICATIONS of the improvement is to provide Phase II Engineering and Bid Documents to construct new Provide a statement that certifies to the following: and storm sewers in the Belly Button Hill That no Village of Midlothian elected official, A preliminary drainage study was conducted officer, or employee who participates in the in 2019 identifying possible solutions. This procurement, management or administration of as a basis for the Phase II Engineering and engineering services contracts or subcontracts provided upon request from interested firms. has, directly or indirectly, any financial or other funds for said improvement have not yet interest in connection with the proposed by the Village and no letting date is engineering contracts or subcontracts. targeted. The subrecipient agreement with Cook County is available for review at the Village Hall/Clerk's Office. Questions regarding the project and SOQ process should be directed to Allen Moskal, the Village of Midlothian Village Clerk, via email at amoskal@villageofmidlothian.org or phone at (708) 389-0200.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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April 18, 2025


To Be Determined, Midlothian, IL

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RFQ Engineering - Belly Button Hill Drainage Improvements

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