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Published June 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Midland, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

SCOPE: 1. The Successful Mechanical Bidder shall provide all labor, materials, and on-site supervisory oversight necessary for the installation of indicated outdoor condensers and indoor high wall evaporators (mini-splits). Contractors will purchase specified Condensers and Evaporators. The contractor will be responsible for all electrical,roof penetration and equipment supports. The contractor will be responsible for the purchase and installation of all line sets, condensation pumps, rooftop mount brackets, and any other items to successfully accomplish this installation. The mechanical contractor will be responsible for delivering condensers, evaporators, and all other equipment to designated schools and placing on roof. The contractor must follow all manufacturers' installation instructions, and all local, state, and federal codes. 2. The areas to receive the new equipment are indicated on the attached floorplans. Submittals, and location of unit's floorplans are attached to this RFP. The successful bidder will be responsible for providing all required stamped drawings and submitting to the State of Michigan plan review for approval. The successful bidder will also be responsible for acquiring and paying for all required mechanical and electrical permits. 3. Contractor is responsible for cleaning work area daily. 4. All buildings, and furnishings shall be protected by the Successful Bidder from damage which might be done or caused by work performed under this contract. Any damage caused directly or indirectly by the Successful Bidder's agents or suppliers shall be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of the Successful Bidder by methods approved by Midland Public Schools to restore the damaged area(s) to its original condition. Midland Public Schools shall deem such repairs acceptable only after inspection and approval. 5. All new materials shall be asbestos free and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 6. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for protecting all surfaces from damage. 7. All debris must be removed from the building daily and hauled away after project is complete. 8. The district will have a dumpster onsite for use by the successful contractor. 9. Contractor is responsible to obtain all required permits and submit drawing to plan review. All costs should be included in this RFP. 10.The contractor will be responsible for the startup of all units. 11.The contractor is responsible for all measurements. Timeline Installation can start at Carpenter Pre-Primary as soon as a purchase order is issued to the successful contractor. Kitchen areas installation can begin with the outside units as soon as a purchase order is issued and inside units after kitchens are vacated for the day. Prevailing Wage Requirements The successful contractor is required by law to pay prevailing wage for this job. All pertaining to prevailing wage for this job is included in this RFP. Owners' Rights The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all item(s) in the bid; to accept or reject any or all bid(s); to waive any informalities therein; or for any reason, to award the contract to other than the low bidder. If a unit price or extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. All bids shall be firm for ninety days (90) from the date of the bid opening. All bids must include a signed "Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certification" and a "Familial Relationship Disclosure" form (enclosed with documents). All bids must be submitted on the attached bid form and signed by the bidder. Two (2) copies of the bid form should be addressed to the attention of: Michael Moeggenberg Director of Facilities and Operations Midland Public Schools 600 East Carpenter Street Midland, Michigan 48640 "Mini-Split Installation 2024" One (1) copy of the bid form should be retained for your files. Questions should be referred to Michael Moeggenberg, Director of Facilities and Operations at 989-923-5035 or moeggenbergmj@midlandps.org




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