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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a parking garage in Worcester, Massachusetts. Working plans call for the renovation of a parking garage.

This project has been cancelled. Please follow project for future updates. scope: masonry / concerete repairs to elevator hoist way at MTB garage per specifications estimated cost: $ 25,000.00 This Bid Invitation covers: all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the masonry /concrete repairs at the elevator hoistway at Major Taylor Boulevard Garage as per the attached requirements and specifications of the Department of Transportation & Mobility. A certified check or bid bond made payable to the "City Treasurer, City of Worcester" in the Amount of $ None must accompany this bid. A performance bond in the amount of $ _n/a______ of the total dollar award is required. A payment bond in the amount of $___50%_____ of the total dollar award is required if total bid price if greater than $ 25,000.00 Questions pertaining to this bid must be directed to: Christopher Gagliastro via email at gagliastroc@worcesterma.gov o Email copies of this bid are acceptable. Please email bids to gagliastroc@worcesterma.gov Any prospective bidder requesting a change in or interpretation of existing specifications of terms and conditions must do so within five (5) days (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded) BEFORE scheduled bid opening date. All requests are to be in writing to the Purchasing Division (or e-mailed at gagliastroc@worcesterma.gov ). No changes will be considered or any interpretation issued unless request is in our hands within five (5) days (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded) BEFORE scheduled bid opening date. The City of Worcester is requesting a proposal to fill the gaps in two elevator hoist ways at the Major Taylor Garage. All gaps need to be filled and flush with the walls with concrete or any fire-resistant material. Concrete to be best match for finish and color to existing concrete. Approval by owner required before installation. The City estimates that there is 35 square feet of repair work needed. Bidders shall provide a unit price for this work and for any additional work requested or required by the City. Work to be paid by unit price based on square footage of work completed. Contractor to provide a proposal based on unit price that include all costs to contractor. The unit price will include all labor, materials, tools & equipment and supervision to perform the following scope of work. Scope of Work: o Provide product data, MSDS, physical samples and representative mock-up samples for approval prior to job start. This material must be fire-resistant. o Provide OSHA compliant access to work area(s). o Provide pedestrian protection, barricades and signage as required. o Provide full time supervision, oversight and regular coordination, meetings as required. o Provide industry standard skilled craftsmen with OSHA 10 hour training, supervisors with OSHA 30. o Provide protective shrouding for top of elevator car and equipment. o Provide fall protection for employees. o Provide two men and equipment to perform repairs. o Furnish and install masonry materials ,bricks, cmu, mortar, sheet metal and/or fire resistant material as needed in both elevator hoist ways. o City of Worcester to provide elevator mechanic for standby operation. o Vacuum clean top of car(s) following repairs. Clean all debris from top of car and elevator pit. o Completed work to be approved by the City of Worcester and State Elevator Inspector. See attached photos showing the gaps that need to be filled per the state write ups (attached). These pictures represent one level of a hoist way in the Major Taylor Garage. The Garage has seven levels. Masonry Total Repairs: Approximately 10 square feet of area, approximately 5 cubic feet of volume Glass Area Total Repairs: Approximately 25 square feet Total Approximate Square Feet - 35 Two Elevator Hoist ways Repairs at Major Taylor Material must be fire proof with the purpose of preventing rodent access to hoist way Fill 20 spaces measuring approximately 8-12" wide, 4-6" deep, and 2-6" tall that allow exterior access to hoist way The wage rates will remain in effect for the duration of the project, except in the case of multi-year public construction projects. For construction projects lasting longer than one year, awarding authorities must request an updated wage schedule no later than two weeks before the anniversary of the date the contract was executed by the awarding authority and the general contractor. For multi- year CM AT RISK projects, the awarding authority must request an annual update no later than two weeks before the anniversary date, determined as the earlier of: (a) the execution date of the GMP Amendment, or (b) the execution date of the first amendment to permit procurement of construction services. The annual update requirement is not applicable to 27F "rental of equipment" contracts. The updated wage schedule must be provided to all contractors, including general and sub-contractors, working on the construction project.

Final Planning

Parking Garage


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 26, 2024

November 11, 2024


30 Major Taylor Blvd, Worcester, MA

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