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Published April 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Weatherford, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The Brock Independent School District is requesting competitive sealed proposals for the selection of a Construction Manager at Risk, One Step Process (per Government Code Chapter 2269.253), for the New Multipurpose Student Center. Project Description: Construct a New Multipurpose Student Center as well as associated sitework, roadways, parking, and utilities work. Construction Budget: The estimated overall construction value of the project(s) which includes cost of work for the construction, Construction Manager at Risk Contractor fees and contingencies is approximately: a. New Multipurpose Student Center - Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($18,500,000.00) Wage Rates: The Brock ISD School Board, for the purpose of complying with Section 2258, Subchapter B of the Texas Government Code for all public contracts, has adopted the prevailing wage rates as determined by the United States Department of Labor in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act as the published rates for Parker County as the location of this project within the Brock Independent School District. CONTRACT FORM AND SCOPE OF SERVICES A. For purposes of this proposal, terms of the contract will be the Owner issued document AIA Document A133-2019 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Constructor Where the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price as amended by the Owner and AIA Document A201-2017 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction as amended by the Owner. Owner will require a separate AIA A133-2017 and AIA A201-2017 for each of the projects covered by this RFP. These documents, as amended by the Owner, are included in this RFP manual as the basis of this agreement. B. The Owner will contract directly with a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for performing general construction of the project. The CMAR will then conduct the SubContractor selection/bidding and contract with all other Sub-Contractors required for the work. C. The Owner reserves the right to contract separately with other suppliers, vendors and contracts as deemed in the best interest of the Owner's project. For construction work, this is currently anticipated to be, but not limited to: 1. Furniture and Equipment Vendors 2. Independent testing and commissioning including materials testing and inspection, HVAC testing and balancing, etc. D. The Owner may elect to procure certain materials/equipment directly, with coordination and scheduling support from the CMAR. The equipment would then be assigned to the CMAR with the full acceptance of responsibilities for coordination and installation. E. The CMAR will provide Initial Guaranteed Maximum Prices and a Final Guaranteed Maximum Price at the appropriate times in development of the Project. F. The CMAR will participate in pre-construction services defined in Article 5.A of this section




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New Construction, Site Work

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400 Eagle Spirit Ln, Weatherford, TX

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