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Published May 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Chesapeake, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The work primarily consists of, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Replacing the existing water-cooled centrifugal chiller with air cooled chiller. Chiller to be sized to accommodate existing connected chilled water load. The new air-cooled chiller will be pre-purchased by Chesapeake Public Schools. 2. Demolition of the existing cooling tower and concrete support pad / piers. 3. Removal of existing chilled water pumps. Installation of new vertical in-line chilled water pumps. 4. Demolition of existing condenser water pumps and condenser water piping within the mechanical room. 5. Demolition of the existing chilled water piping to a point of the flanged connection downstream of the air separator. Provide new air separator and other piping specialties. 6. New chilled water piping above grade in the existing mechanical room. 7. Locate the new chiller in the current location of the cooling tower. 8. Provide interior coating for existing underground condenser water piping to allow its use for chilled water supply / return water piping below grade between chiller and mechanical room. 9. Provide elevated 12" thick slab for chiller support. 10. Minimum 6' high chain link fence. 11. Provide fill to elevate chiller support slab. 12. Cut and patch existing asphalt between chiller and mechanical room. 13. Provide controls for new chiller. Replace existing 3-way control valves on AHUs to 2-way valves. Reconfigure control system for 2-way, modulating operation. Provide new coil connection components, including automatic balance valves. 14. Demolition of electrical feeders to existing chiller. New electrical connection to air cooled chillers. Feeders to be trenched below grade. Question Submission Deadline: April 18, 2024, 12:00pm If questions arise following this meeting they shall be submitted on the "Request for Clarification" form included.




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1969 Braves Trail, Chesapeake, VA

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