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This document constitutes a Request for Proposals for a Professional Service Contract from qualified individuals and organizations to furnish those services as described herein for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Highways. This statewide contract is to provide necessary Highway Safety Improvement Services. Eight (8) consultants will be selected to provide these services on an as-needed basis for two (2) years. Project Manager - Mike Vaughn, P.E. User Division - Traffic Operations Approximate Fee - $2,000,000 per contract (Upset Limit) Work will be assigned via Letter Agreement, not to exceed $500,000 Project Funding - Federal Funds Contract Term - Two (2) Years The Traffic Safety Branch within the Division of Traffic Operations manages the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The mission of the HSIP is to help people reach their transportation destinations safely by developing and delivering a data-informed, strategic approach to improving highway safety with a focus on performance. This mission is carried out by investing in safety improvement opportunities aimed at preventing fatal and serious injury crashes along Kentucky highways by implementing various safety countermeasures via construction projects on roadway sections selected and prioritized through a data-driven process. Currently, the workload of Traffic Safety Branch staff exceeds the capacity of the group to develop and deliver projects to letting efficiently; therefore, additional staff and specific expertise is needed to accomplish the mission of the HSIP. The Consultant team shall include a DBE Participation Plan with their Response to Announcement to help the Department meet the 11.95% DBE goal established by FHWA. The selected Consultants will be responsible for working with the Central Office Division of Traffic Operations, Traffic Safety Branch, to provide data analysis, engineering, project management and coordination, and other project development services, as described herein, on an as needed basis for various HSIP projects. In general, these services will be conducted for the study and diagnosis of crash and roadway data to determine and evaluate potential improvement options, the development of abbreviated construction plans and/or proposal documents, writing project specific specifications, creating estimates, and project management and coordination for HSIP projects statewide. While HSIP projects will primarily occur along state-maintained routes, projects may be along any public road, including county roads and city streets. The selected Consultants should possess and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of safety-related knowledge to ensure that the entire project development process focuses on improving the safety performance of the project and creating a safer transportation system in the general project area. Recent before-after evaluations of Kentuckys HSIP projects and initiatives continue to show a high rate of return on the investments made through HSIP projects. As a result, the Department desires the HSIP project development process to proceed expeditiously so projects can be let to construction as soon as possible in order to realize the safety benefits of the improvements. Therefore, the selected Consultants should demonstrate their capability to develop and deliver HSIP projects to letting quickly and efficiently and should identify any unique strategies they plan to utilize to ensure rapid project development, well-organized project coordination, and effective project management. The services to be provided may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: 1. Road Safety Assessments (RSAs) 2. Survey, Inventory, and Assessment of Roadway Features and Elements 3. Review, Analysis, and Diagnosis of Crash and Roadway Data 4. Study of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) opportunities 5. Development of Potential Improvement Options 6. Safety Performance Analysis and Comparison of Improvement Options 7. Specifications, Estimates, Special Notes, and Proposal Development 8. Right of Way Plans, Traffic Control Plans, and Final Roadway Plans 9. Signing, Striping, and Pavement Marking Plans 10. Drainage (Hydraulic Design, Hydrologic Studies, and Drainage Structure Design) 11. Environmental Services 12. Geotechnical Services (Exploration, Testing, Analysis, Design) 13. Structure Design (Earth Retaining Structures, Box Culverts, Minor Bridge Retrofits) 14. Right of Way Services (MAR type acquisitions) 15. Utility Location, Relocation Coordination, and Utility Design HSIP staff will notify the selected Consultants in writing, or via email, when services are needed on a project-by-project basis. A scoping meeting will be held for each assigned project to determine the services the Consultant will be required to provide. HSIP projects typically originate from one of several HSIP initiatives. The following are the current list of HSIP initiatives that may be assigned to the selected Consultants: Roadway Departure Emphasis Vision Zero Louisville Statewide Competitive Intersections Traffic Signal Enhancements Pavement Friction Treatments Roadway Reconfigurations Local Road Safety On a project-by-project basis, Traffic Safety Branch staff will provide the Consultant with highway safety design concepts and construction strategies aimed at the primary HSIP initiative from which the project originates. During the project development process, the selected Consultant may be required to coordinate with, and involve staff from, the associated District Office and/or Local Public Agency representatives. Therefore, the selected Consultants should demonstrate their project management and project coordination capabilities. NOTE: Central Office Traffic Safety Branch staff will always be the overall project manager of any and all HSIP projects assigned under this statewide contract. First Selection Meeting: May 6, 2024 Final Selection: May 22, 2024 Pre-Design Conference: May 29, 2024 Notice to Proceed: June 19, 2024 The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. KY DOT - RFP - Statewide Highway Safety Improvement Services


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Frankfort, KY

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