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Renovation of a museum in Naco, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

The City of Bisbee is requesting Statements of Qualifications (hereinafter referred to as "SOQ") in the manner specified herein from Licensed General Contractors that are qualified by experience and expertise to provide the following services: Construction Manager at Risk for the City of Bisbee's Camp Naco Rehabilitation Project Questions to City due Monday, April 29, 2024 4:00 PM MST Questions answered by Friday, May 3, 2024 5:00 PM MST Nature of the Project The descriptions of the work and deliverables required are described in the attached "Scope of Work and Requirements" that accompanies this Notice. Sealed SOQs must be in the actual possession of the City Clerk on or prior to the exact time and date indicated in the Schedule of Events. Late proposals will not be considered. 1.6 Sealed proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope or container with the following information clearly indicated on the outside: a. Name of the Solicitation, as indicated by the City. b. Name, phone number, and address of the Proposer 1.7 Three (3) copies of the SOQ shall be submitted in writing, by a paper document that is printed, typed or in ink. SOQs submitted directly to the City by electronic means, by facsimile, electronic mail, or otherwise, shall not be accepted. Any substitute for any document forms provided with this Notice must be legible and contain the same information requested by any such form. 1.8 A proposal may be withdrawn upon the submission of a written signed request submitted by the Proposer prior to the due date and time. A proposal may not be amended or withdrawn after the due date and time. 1.9 The SOQ shall include a one-page cover letter plus a maximum of 30 pages to address the RFQ criteria specified (including organization chart). Scope of Work The City of Bisbee is seeking proposals from qualified Construction Managers duly registered in the State of Arizona by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors to provide contracting services to preserve and rehabilitate thirteen (13) of Camp Naco's 20 adobe buildings for multiple community uses in compliance with local, state and federal preservation and code requirements. The successful proposer shall accomplish the following tasks: 1. Review and compile previous building condition assessments, reports of previous emergency stabilization efforts, land title surveys, archaeological surveys, legal and regulatory parameters, environmental variables, etc. (in collaboration with archaeological services consultant hired by City of Bisbee). 2. Develop and implement an Emergency Stabilization Plan for specific building components at risk of collapse or failure. 3. Assist with preparation of construction plans, specifications, and estimates. 4. Provide construction management services during predevelopment and development including but not limited to obtaining contractor bids and permits, evaluating bids, negotiating contracts, coordinating scheduling of contractors, providing construction cost estimates, phasing plans and related schedules. 5. Identify and recommend value engineering strategies throughout the design and construction process. 6. Develop a Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal for rehabilitation of thirteen historic adobe buildings. 7. Act as General Contractor and provide management and oversight of all building rehabilitation construction activities. The selected firm will be expected to work collaboratively with City of Bisbee, Naco Heritage Alliance 501(c)(3), Poster Mirto McDonald Architecture Planning Preservation firm, and all other related parties. Attached is the Camp Naco Strategic Preservation Plan (2015; updated 2023) which provides individual building areas, condition assessments, recommended treatment strategies, proposed programmatic elements, and cost estimates, as well as a proposed sequence of construction phases. Please note that this document does not reflect final programmatic elements of the project nor assessment of the current buildings' condition, but it is the best compilation of information assembled thus far for project planning and scoping purposes. Also attached as reference is the recent land title survey of the Camp Naco site (2023). The total available funds for construction are $4,800,000 (including site work). Site work will be performed under a separate contract, beginning August 2024 with anticipated completion by December 2024.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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2118 W Newell St, Naco, AZ

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