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Site work for a water / sewer project in Raymore, Missouri. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

All other documents will be checked for responsiveness after Bid proposal opening. On all requests and correspondence, please reference RFP Number 24-452-201. Construction Services for water main replacement on Washington Street between Lucy Webb Road and Elm Street The specific locations of the work to be done shall be contained in the special provisions section of the bid document. The contractor shall bid on all work. All equipment, material and workmanship must be in accordance with the Specifications and other Contract Documents. Project manual, plans and specifications, and proposal forms may be viewed at the office of the City Engineer, 100 Municipal Circle, Raymore, Missouri 64083. A bid bond or certified check from a surety or bank, approved by the Purchasing Specialist, in an amount equal to, or greater than, 5% of the maximum total bid price must accompany each proposal. Contractor shall provide a ten (10) hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) construction safety program for all employees who will be on-site at the Project. All wages paid for work under this contract shall comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law of the State of Missouri, Missouri Public Law 294, Sec. 290.210 through 290.340, R.S. MO. 1969, as amended. Pursuant to 610.021 RSMo, Item 12, all documents within a request for proposal (RFP) will become an open record to the public upon a negotiated contract being executed. All documents within a request for bid (RFB) become open record as soon as the bid is opened. Bidders and proposers should be aware that all documents within a submittal will become open records. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities or deficiencies therein. To negotiate with any or all bidders or others for more favorable terms or prices, and to award a contract to other than the bidder submitting the lowest cost bid proposal, with or without negotiation and to determine which is the lowest best and most responsive, to accept, at its option, any alternates and to approve the bond Question Deadline 04/29/2024 Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal shall be submitted to the Purchasing Specialist, Kim Quade, CPPB by email at or by phone at (816) 892-3045.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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