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Published May 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Thomas Beam Engineering (TBE) Buildings A&B Reroof Completion of this Project must be achieved by Saturday, July 27, 2024. Remove the existing single-ply roof system and all of its components down to the existing rigid insulation. Prepare and repair the existing rigid insulation to receive a new layer of 1/2 Dens Deck Prime. Stagger all joints and fully adhere with approved low-rise polyurethane foam adhesive per approved PVC manufacturer's installation and detail requirements and the following specification and conforming to FM 1-90 attachment requirements. Before the reroof, the Contractor will be responsible for removing all abandoned in-place contents from the roofduring the weekend, non-business hours. UNLV FM will provide an onsite metal recycling dumpster next to the building when removing items. Provide and install a new layer of 1/2 " Dens Deck Prime over newly installed rigid insulation and rigid tapered insulation. Stagger all joints and fully adhere new 1/2 " Dens Deck Prime with approved low-rise polyurethane foam adhesive per the approved PVC membrane manufacturer's installation and detail requirements and the following specifications and conforming to FM 1-90wind uplift requirements. Provide and install a new adhered 80 mil Single Ply Thermoplastic (PVC) Roofing Membrane with factory laminated felt backing along with flashings and other components to comprise a roofing system per the following specifications. Membrane color to be Energy Smart White. Install a new clad metal detail at the perimeter edge where required per the following specification and detail requirements. Install per PVC manufacturer's details and installation requirements. Install new surface mounted counter flashing where required. Install per PVC manufacturer's detail and installation requirements. At all A/C or Mechanical unit access areas, install new PVC Cross grip walkway. Install per PVC manufacturer's recommended detail and installation requirements. Flash each penetration with a cone flashing membrane per PVC manufacture's standard written and detail requirements. Any and all pitch pans are to removed and each penetration flashed individually. Flash new scuppers with new PVC clad metal per PVC manufacturer's standard written and detail requirements. Related Work The work includes but is not necessarily limited to the installation of: Roofing and Insulation Installation Substrate Preparation Roof Drains Wood Blocking Insulation Separation Layers Roof Membrane Fasteners Adhesive for Flashings Roof Membrane Flashings Walkways Metal Flashings Sealants

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May 6, 2024

June 5, 2024


4505 Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV

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