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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Cuba City, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

CITY MODEL ROAD BOX CULVERT EXTENSION OWNER: The City of Cuba City, Wisconsin will receive sealed bids for the following items as they relate to building improvements for extending a box culvert structure located approximately 2100' west of Main Street (STH 80) on Model Road, in Cuba City WI. 1. CONTRACT - MODEL ROAD BOX CULVERT EXTENSION - Work shall include, but is not limited to, furnishing and installation of labor and materials for extending a box culvert structure approximately 9' to the south and 15' to the north of its present location. Work will include adding additional cast in place concrete members to form a top slab, bottom slab, walls, flared ends, cut off walls, curbing, scuppers and misc. items. This bid item shall be paid based on a Lump Sum Basis. This bid item shall include all necessary Work for complete construction of said bid item and related items. CONTRACTOR for this CONTRACT shall construct the box culvert extensions for the existing structure, furnish and install, granular base, concrete, reinforcing steel, including, but not limited to, labor, equipment, materials, mobilization, in-surance, coordination with Owner and Engineer and Utilities, general construction, granular materials under the bottom slab and miscellaneous. City will provide 42" diameter RCP storm sewer for CONTRACTOR to cast into the east side of the south end wall the City will also be furnishing, placing and grouting approximately 30 cubic yards of heavy rip rap. The City will backfill the structure and re-store the pavement as necessary. CONTRACTOR shall submit to owner preliminary drawings of the work along with their itemized summary of the costs with their BID that shows how the Total for the Lump Sum bid was arrived at. CONTRACTOR shall submit their Bid on their standard proposal form in a sealed envelope addressed to the City of Cuba City. BIDDING FORMALITIES: The City of Cuba City reserves the right to waive formalities in bidding and to reject any and all bids. No bid shall be withdrawn without the consent of the Owner for a period of forty-five days after the scheduled time of the bid opening. BID BOND: A satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a licensed surety company OR a certified check payable to the City of Cuba City in an amount not less than 5% of the maximum bid, shall accompany each bid as a guarantee that, if the bid is accepted, the bidders will execute and file the prop-er contract and bonds within ten days after the award of the contract. WAGE RATES and STATUTES: The letting of the work described herein is subjected to the provisions of Section 66.0901 and 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The minimum wage rates to be paid for the project shall be in accordance with Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. State and Federal Wage Determinations do NOT apply to this project. INSURANCE: Contractor shall carry Public Liability Insurance and Workmen's Compensation Insurance that is satisfactory to the Owner.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Site Work

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April 29, 2024

May 29, 2024


Model Rd, Cuba City, WI

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