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Published June 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Kearns, Utah. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of 5/29/2024 quotes received came in over budget project was cancelled without awarding. This will be rebid at a later date that has not yet been determined. Failure to attend this mandatory site-visit conference shall result in the disqualification of any contractor that does not have an authorized representative attend the entire duration of the mandatory meeting. Contractors will be considered late and will not be allowed to attend the meeting if they arrive late, after the attendance roll has been signed by all in attendance and the doors to the room are closed. Nothing stated at this meeting will change this Request For Quote (RFQ) unless a change is made by written addendum and posted here on the Utah Public Procurement Place. If Alternate or Unit prices are requested and are not listed on the quote form or in the "Items" section, add them in the Notes section. It is the exclusive right of GSD to choose any, all or none of any requested alternates. Terms and Conditions are nonnegotiable. Any questions regarding Terms and Conditions are to be submitted prior to RFQ due date. Attempts to take exception to any Terms and Conditions may render the quotation nonresponsive. Granite School District reserves the right to award to the next low quote if for any reason the low quote is rejected, disqualified or fails to perform. When submitting a quote electronically through the Utah Public Procurement Place, allow sufficient time to complete the online forms and to upload documents. The solicitation will end precisely at the closing time listed. If you are in the middle of uploading your quote at the closing time, the Utah Public Procurement Place will stop the process and your quote will not be received. A person with an outstanding tax lien in the state may not submit a quote, bid or offer. Granite School District will reject a quote if it is not responsive or the quote is submitted by a contractor who is not responsible. A quote that is not responsive includes a bid that: 1. is conditional; 2. attempts to modify the RFQ requirements; 3. contains additional terms or conditions; or 4. fails to conform with the requirements or specifications of the RFQ. A quote that is submitted by a contractor who is not responsible includes a quote where Granite School District concludes that the contractor or an employee, agent, or subcontractor of the contractor, at any tier, is unable to satisfactorily fulfill the RFQ requirements. Granite School District trash cans and dumpsters may not be used by the contractor or by sub-contractors without specific permission by Granite School District. Any necessary grading, if any is associated with this bid, must be done with equipment that is GPS equipped.

Final Planning



Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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4040 Westsams Blvd, Kearns, UT

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