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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Consisting of the construction and/or furnishing of items as listed in the Bid Schedule beginning on page P-6, Part III, Form of Proposal, of this document, for the Phoenix Park Reimagined Construction Project, Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky Bids will be received from Prime Contracting firms on a Lump Sum for total Project. Bidder must include a price for all bid items to be considered The Contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the total project whose qualifications indicate the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER and whose bid/proposal complies with all the prescribed requirements. No Notice of Award will be given until the OWNER has concluded such investigation as deemed necessary to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders to do the work in accordance with the Contract Documents to the satisfaction of the OWNER within the time prescribed. The OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass such investigation to the OWNER's satisfaction. The OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder that is deemed to be unbalanced or front loaded. In analyzing Bids, the OWNER may take into consideration alternate and unit prices, if requested by the Bid forms. The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government has set a goal that not less than ten percent (10%) of the total value of this Contract be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, which is made up of MBEs and WBEs, and set a goal that not less than three percent (3%) of the total value of this Contract be subcontracted to Veteran Owned Small Businesses. The goals for the utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses as subcontractors are recommended goals. Contractor(s) who fail to meet such goals will be expected to provide written explanations to the Director of the Division of Purchasing of efforts they have made to accomplish the recommended goal, and the extent to which they are successful in accomplishing the recommended goal will be a consideration in the procurement process. Depending on the funding source, other DBE goals may apply If the bid is $50,000 or greater, bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government in an amount not less than Five Percent (5%) of the base bid. Bid bond shall be executed by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and countersigned by a licensed Kentucky Resident Agent, representing the Surety Company. Bid Bonds are not required for bids under $50,000. A cashier's check or irrevocable letter of credit is an acceptable form of bid security TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Bidder must agree to commence work on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" from the OWNER and to fully complete the Project within the time as specified in the Contract. Bidder must agree also to pay $250.00 per calendar day thereafter deadline for substantial completion and $250.00 per calendar day thereafter deadline for final completion. The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after he has received notice of the acceptance of his bid, shall forfeit to the OWNER, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his bid. The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive all informalities and/or technicalities where the best interest of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government may be served. Question Deadline 04/26/2024 at 12:00 PM ET question submit via the online Address Inquiries to: Sondra Stone


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work





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100 E Main St, Lexington, KY

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