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Saving Project...

Published May 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Eufaula, Alabama. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

The OWNER will in no way be liable for any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of its Bid in response to this Advertisement for Bids. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the provisions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the OWNER; the bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying its current license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. The Work includes the following principal items: Grading, Storm Drainage, Base, Paving, Markings and Electrical Any changes that may be agreed upon as a result of this meeting will be noted in an addendum sent to all plan holders. Total Contract Time for completion of the work is one hundred thirty-five (135) calendar days. Liquidated damages for delay will be in the amount of $1,000.00 per calendar day that the project remains incomplete after the specified completion time. $2,500 per calendar day over maximum runway closure time. Other Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, Conditions of the Contract, Specifications, Drawings and other Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the following: Barge Design Solutions, Inc., 2047 West Main Street, Dothan, Alabama 36301, Phone (334) 793-6266 City Of Eufaula, Alabama, 205 East Barbour Street, Eufaula, Alabama 36027; (334) 688-2000 Bid Security: Each BIDDER must deposit with his BID, as Bid Security, a Bid Bond payable to the OWNER in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the total amount Bid, but in no case more than $10,000.00. Contract Security: The Successful BIDDER will be required to furnish separate performance and payment bonds payable to the OWNER. Each bond shall be in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract Price as security for CONTRACTOR'S faithful performance and payment of all obligations under the Contract Documents. No BID may be withdrawn by the BIDDER within ninety (90) days after actual date of opening thereof. BIDS in the case of corporations not chartered in Alabama, must be accompanied by proper certificate evidencing that such corporation is authorized to do business in the State of Alabama. Bids are to be based upon prevailing wages in Barbour County, Alabama; and in no case are wages considered less than those predetermined by the Secretary of Labor, a schedule of which is contained in the Contract Documents. BIDDERS must certify that they do not, and will not, maintain or provide for their employees any facilities that are segregated on a basis of race, color, creed or national origins. BIDDERS must submit with their BID an EEO Report Statement as required by 41 CFR 60-1-7 (b). The Owner reserves the right to refuse to issue a proposal form to a prospective bidder should such bidder be in default for any of the following reasons: (a) Failure to comply with any prequalification regulations of the Owner, if such regulations are cited, or otherwise included, in the proposal as a requirement for bidding. (b) Failure to pay, or satisfactorily settle, all bills due for labor and materials on former contracts in force (with the owner) at the time the owner issues the proposal to a prospective bidder. (c) Contractor default under previous contracts with the Owner. (d) Unsatisfactory work on previous contracts with the Owner. BIDS shall be on the forms included in the Bidding Documents and submitted in a sealed envelope clearly identified on the outside as follows: BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW PARTIAL PARALLEL TAXIWAY AIP PROJECT 3-01-0028-029-2023 SUBMITTED BY: (Name of Bidder with Bidder's Current Alabama General Contractor's License Number). The BID shall be addressed to: Hon. Jack Tibbs Jr. MAYOR 205 East Barbour Street Eufaula, Alabama 36027 BIDS submitted by mail shall be registered. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all BIDS, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the BIDS received, and to accept the BID which is deemed most favorable to the OWNER at the time and under the conditions stipulated.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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