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Published May 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Franklin, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The project intends to replace all the existing Direct Digital Controllers (DDC), room thermostats, sensors, communication control wiring, etc. in these buildings with a state-of-the-art Building Operating System which will: Improve indoor air environment to reduce the risk of virus transmission and to reduce environmental other health hazards. Improve temperature control within the classrooms to provide a better learning environment. Increase building energy efficiency. Replace obsolete DDC controllers but reuse as much as possible ofthe existing control system that is still functional. Provide remote alarm and notification ofsystem failures for a quicker response which will result in less downtime. Outdoor Basketball Court Grade and fill an area to install an outdoor basketball court Install a Cement pad that is 30 5 x 46 5 Outdoor Volleyball Court Deliver 140 tons of sand appropriate for a volleyball court that will be trailer graded upon delivery. Bidders name, complete street address and contact person, and 3) Bidders telephone number, fax number and email address. Addenda, in any, will be issued only to those persons whose names and addresses are on record with the Board Secretary as having obtained the bid package. This project is subject to Davis Bacon Prevailing Wage rates, bound within the bid packet. In addition, respondents should note that this project may have additional federal requirements as described in the bid packet. The Franklin Area School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Franklin Area School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any technicalities and informalities in the bid for the best interest of the Franklin Area School District. Board Secretary of the Franklin Area School District. Outdoor Basketball Court Grade and fill an area to install an outdoor basketball court Install a Cement pad that is 30'5" x 46'5" Outdoor Volleyball Court Deliver 140 tons of sand appropriate for a volleyball court that will be trailer graded upon delivery. To request a copy the bid proposal or to get further information Please email a request to sjackovitz@ abraxasyfs.org or call 814-927-6615 ext 135 Anticipated Contract Award Date Within 60 Days he Bid Packet shall contain (i) a copy ofthese Instructions to Bidders; (ii) a Bid Response Form; (iii) a Non-Collusion affidavit; (iv) the Agreement; (v) Public Works Employment Verification Form, (vi) Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment Certification, and (vii) the Statement of Bidder’s Qualifications Form. These documents shall collectively be referred to as the “Contract Documents. Work schedule is to be coordinated with Leon Billingsley, Director of Buildings and Grounds, via phone at 814-432-2121 Ext. 2301 or via email at billingsleyl@fasd.kl2.pa.us and all other subcontractors involved with the project. A copy of the Addendum #1 will be mailed or emailed by the District Administration Office to each Bidder who registered as a Bidder for this Project, but it shall be the Bidder’s responsibility to make inquiries as to the addenda issued before bid submission. FASD is not responsible for a Bidder’s receipt or knowledge of Addendum




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 9, 2024

June 5, 2024


40 Knights Way, Franklin, PA

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