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Published April 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lacey, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The TCP update's primary objectives are to: 1. Coordinate and support a robust community engagement process, including historically marginalized and underrepresented groups. The public engagement process for the TCP should be coordinated and consistent with the engagement process for the update to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Ensure the TCP update meets current Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements under RCW 36.70A and WAC 365-196-430 and any other applicable code. 3. Ensure the TCP update is consistent with state, regional, and local transportation plans. The TCP also needs to incorporate the City's Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan and incorporate and update the City's ADA Transition Plan. Other plans will be included or referenced, including City studies, WSDOT plans, and all transportation-related plans in the Thurston County region. 4. The TCP update supports and is consistent with the City's Complete Street Ordinance. 5. Evaluate existing conditions and multimodal level of service standards, and update the functional classification map of the City's transportation network. 6. Utilize the Thurston County Regional Model to develop and support an updated project list. 7. Ensure consistency of the TCP update with sub-area plans and transportation studies. 8. Update goals and policies to be in accordance with the Thurston County Regional Transportation Plan, improving the efficiency of the multimodal transportation network, and providing a framework for transportation decision-making. 9. Develop a criteria-based project list, including considerations such as equity and demographic based analysis. Projects will be grouped into regionally significant projects, locally significant projects, and intersection projects. 10. Provide financial analysis to demonstrate proposed CIP projects are financially feasible to design, purchase ROW, address environmental concerns, construct and maintain. Prioritize system safety. Address Level of Service and asset preservation. 11. Ensure the TCP update has clear and concise language and graphics that can be understood by citizens without a background in engineering. 12. Provide consistency in formatting with the City's Comprehensive Plan completed by December 31, 2025 Any questions regarding this solicitation may be directed to Tyson Poeckh (360- 413-4384). The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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