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Published July 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Hoover, Alabama. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The City of Hoover hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin in consideration for an award. The City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any formality in any Bid, and to accept any Bid considered advantageous to the City. The City reserves the right to hold the Bids for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the date of receipt of Bids. The Bid/Contract award, if made, will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder as evidenced by the City's receipt of a completed Bid Proposal Form and other documents that have been submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and in accordance with stipulations within other sections of the Bid Specifications. To be eligible for consideration, bids must be submitted completed on original proposal forms provided in the bid package. The outside of the sealed envelope must be marked with "Sealed Bid," Bid # and Name, along with the Alabama General Contractor's License Number. This Invitation-to-Bid, the Bid Specifications, and the Bid Proposal form(s) will comprise the total bid package and should be read very carefully. Bidders must provide all information and signatures on the Bid/Proposal form(s) as requested. Bids may be disqualified for non-compliance or may be deemed as non-responsive if bid documents are not submitted as requested. Once the bid is awarded and the Contract is completed the Contractor must have a current business license or purchase a business license with the City of Hoover prior to work performed and a purchase order to proceed is issued. The bracket estimate on this project is from $330,000 to $430,000. This bracket range is shown only to provide general financial information to contractors and bonding companies, and should not be used in preparing a bid, nor will this bracket have any bearing on the decision to award the contract. The work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and doing the work of constructing sidewalks according to Specifications, Plans, Drawings, Contract Documents, and Policies. Questions regarding this bid should be directed, no later than May 1, 2024, at 5:00 pm., to Chris Reeves, PE with the City of Hoover, at (205) 444-7896 or by email at jeffreychris.reeves@hooveralabama.gov. Answers to questions, clarifications, corrections, and additions to the Bid Specifications will be issued in the form of Addendums to the Specifications, which will not be distributed by delivery or mail but, rather, shall only be posted on the city's website no later than 72 hours prior to the bid opening. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to frequently visit the city's website to view or download such Addendums, if any are issued. An original Bid Bond in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount Bid (not to exceed $10,000) must accompany each proposal. The payee of such bond shall be The City of Hoover, Alabama. The bid Bond shall bear the same date as set for the receipt of Bids. The Bid Bond shall be signed by an agent authorized to do business in the State of Alabama. The Contractor whose Bid is selected must furnish a Performance Bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the Bid amount, and a Payment Bond for fifty (50%) of the Bid amount and must secure the bond from a bonding company's representative agent authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Alabama. Each bond shall be countersigned by an agent of the Surety having residence in the State of Alabama, and who is authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Alabama and each bond shall depict the complete address of said agent. Proof of Insurance Coverages of the types and amounts as set forth in the project specifications will be required of the contractor, and any and all subcontractors, prior to beginning work. The attention of Bidders is called to the provisions of State Law governing General Contractors, as set forth in Chapter 8 Sections 34-8-1 to 34-8-28, inclusive, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended; and Bidders shall be governed by said law insofar as it is applicable. It shall be illegal for the Owner to consider a Bid from anyone who is not properly licensed under such code provisions. The Owner will not consider any Bid unless the Bidder produces evidence that they are properly licensed. Neither will the Owner enter into a Contract with a foreign corporation that is not qualified under State Law to do business in the State in which the site of work is located. The attention of Bidders not resident in the State of Alabama is called to the provisions of Alabama Law, Act No. 84-227, requiring every nonresident Contractor, as defined in Section 392-14, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, to register with the Alabama Department of Revenue prior to beginning work on a project, and to deposit with the Department of Revenue an amount, or approved corporate surety bond in lieu thereof, equal to five percent (5%) of the Contract amount, such amount or bond to be held pending completion of the Contract and the payment of taxes due the State and governmental bodies. The attention to nonresident Bidders is called to the provisions of Alabama Law, Section 39-3-5, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended relating to preference to be given to resident Alabama Contractors over nonresident Contractors in the award of Contracts in the same manner and to the same extent as provided by the laws of the state of domicile of the nonresident Contractor, and to the requirements that the Bid documents tendered by any nonresident Contractor must be accompanied by "a written opinion of an attorney-at-law licensed to practice law in such nonresident Contractor's state of domicile entities whose principal place of business are in that state in the letting of any or all public Contracts." The attention of Bidders is called to the provisions of Section 31-13-9, Code of Alabama 1975 relating to Immigration Law compliance and documentation thereof (i.e. participation in the Federal E-Verify program). The successful Bidder will be required to sign a contract that includes the following provision related to Immigration: "By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate federal immigration law or knowingly employ, hire for employment or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the state of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom." *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Sulphur Springs Rd & Al Seier Rd, Hoover, AL

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