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Published April 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Covington, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project Scope The City of Covington (City) is seeking Proposals from qualified contractors interested in providing construction services for three (3) categories: emergency services, small projects, and specialty projects (the Project). The Project is specific to stormwater infrastructure repair, replacement, and maintenance. The City prefers the majority of work to be completed by the Annual Contractor. Ancillary work may be sub-contracted such as pavement and concrete replacement, erosion control, and specialty services. Category 1 - Emergency Services Emergency services consist of 24 hours per day, 7 days a week construction services. The contractor is expected to promptly answer calls from the City under all circumstances at any time. The contractor will be able to mobilize on an emergency project within 2 hours of the initial notification. The contractor must be able to secure materials meeting the City's standards. Category 2 - On-Call Small Projects Small projects are defined as projects with a limited scope of work to repair or maintain isolated issues. These projects may consist of structure repair and replacement, adjusting buried or blind structures to grade, manhole ring and cover replacement, installing new junction boxes and inlet structures, pipe repair and replacement, pipe interconnection, piping extensions, ditch grading, debris removal, pavement and concrete removal and replacement, and associated work. Category 3 - Specialty Services Specialty services consist of construction services that require a unique skill, material, and/or equipment. These services may include jet / vac pipe cleaning, CCTV, removing debris and cleaning structures, and other Specialty Services. As indicated in Section 4, it is anticipated that the On-Call Annual Contractor Contract be executed and approved by the City in June 2024. The Contract will be for one (1) year with an option to renew one (1) year at a time for four (4) additional years at a maximum of five (5) years under the contract Deadline for Submission of Questions: Monday, May 6th , 2024. Communications with Owner Contact All communications shall be submitted in writing, by email, and shall specifically reference this RFP. All questions or comments should be directed to the Owner Contact as follows: Mr. Michael Willis City of Covington 2194 Emory Street NW, Covington, Georgia 30014 Email: mwillis@cityofcovington.org No oral communications from the Owner Contact or any other individual are binding. No contact with Owner staff or any public official concerning the Project during the procurement process outside of the pre-proposal meeting is allowed. A violation of this provision shall result in disqualification of Proposer. Issues Response to Questions by: Monday, May 13th, 2024 City Council Approval of Award: Monday, June 3rd, 2024 Each Proposer assumes full responsibility for timely delivery of its Proposal at the required location. Any Proposal received after the submittal deadline will be deemed non-responsive and returned unopened. Submission Format The Proposal must not exceed the total pages specified in Parts 1 through 6 (most or all 8 1/2 x 11 inch with 1-inch or greater margins). A maximum of 3 of the total pages may be 11 x 17-inch tri-fold format. Eleven-point font or larger must be used. Rights of the Owner In connection with this procurement process, including the receipt and evaluation of Proposals and award of the Contract, Owner reserves to itself (at its sole discretion) all rights available to it under applicable law, including without limitation, with or without cause and with or without notice, the right to: Cancel, withdraw, postpone, or extend this RFP, in whole or in part, at any time prior to the execution of the Contract, without incurring any obligations or liabilities Modify the procurement schedule Waive deficiencies, informalities and irregularities in a Proposal and accept and review a nonconforming Proposal Suspend and terminate the procurement process or terminate evaluations of Proposals received Permit corrections to data submitted with any Proposal Hold meetings and interviews, and conduct discussions and correspondence, with one or more of the Proposers to seek an improved understanding of any information contained in a Proposal Seek or obtain, from any source, data that has the potential to improve the understanding and evaluation of the Proposals Seek clarification from any Proposer to fully understand information provided in the Proposal Reject a Proposal containing exceptions, additions, qualifications or conditions not called for in the RFP or otherwise not acceptable to the Owner. Conduct an independent investigation of any information, including prior experience, included in a Proposal by contacting project references, accessing public information, contacting independent parties, or any other means Request additional information from a Proposer during the evaluation of its Proposal


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Covington, GA

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