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Published July 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Bloomingdale, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of July 10, 2024, project was awarded to Iron Mountain Mechanical with the base bid amount of $440,985.00 and Alternate 1 amount of $109,865.00. Sealed Bids will be received by the Bloomingdale School District, Passaic County, New Jersey, for the HVAC Renovations at the Martha B. Day School, 225 Rafkind Road, Bloomingdale, New Jersey, together with all work incidental thereto, in accordance with the Requirements of the Drawings and Specifications prepared by: GIANFORCARO ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 111 HOWARD BOULEVARD, SUITE 203 MOUNT ARLINGTON, NEW JERSEY 07856 Sealed Bid Packages will be received for a single overall contract and all work incidental thereto. . Bids shall be delivered to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, not later than the "Bid Opening Date and Time", as stated above. If a Bid exceeds Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), the Bidder and all general construction contractors and subcontractors must be prequalified by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction, as required by law, and possess a valid and current Notice of Classification prior to the time and date that bids are received. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-26, in order to be eligible to submit a Bid for the Project, the Bidder, or its Subcontractor, shall be classified by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction in the following discipline: C032: HVACR Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Forms in the manner designated, enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of Bidder, and Proposal Identification Number on the outside, and must be accompanied by Certified Check, Cashier's Check or Bid Bond drawn to the Order of the Board of Education, for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Bid, but in no case in excess of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00); and must be delivered to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, or the Board's designated Representative at the above place, on or before the hour named. The Board of Education and Architect/Engineer assume no responsibility for Bids mismailed or misdirected. Each Bidder shall submit with its Bid, a Certificate of Consent of Surety, as per N.J.S.A 18A:18A-25 from a Surety Company stating that it will provide the Bidder, and all Subcontractors, if successful, a Performance/Payment Bond in the full amount of the Contract . If Bidders are not providing Surety for subcontractors, then the subcontractor must provide their own surety and proof of the same at the time of the bid submission. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, or to waive informality in the Bidding, if it is in the interest of the Board of Education to do so. THE BOARD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 ET SEQ., AND TO WAIVE ANY NON-MATERIAL INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDS. THE BOARD ALSO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NOT AWARD A CONTRACT FOR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OR TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT, IF THE BOARD HAS NOT OBTAINED THE REQUISITE APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT OR ANY PORTION THEREOF FROM THE APPROPRIATE STATE AGENCY. NO BID WILL BE ACCEPTED THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. Changes to the Plans and Specifications: The addendum stated that the main distribution panel is in the locker room. The main distribution panel is located in the boiler room. The main fire alarm panel is located in the boiler room. The boiler room is located behind the stage. The gas piping is shown on the drawing to penetrate the outside wall of the boiler room and be installed on the outside of the building. The routing of the gas piping shall be changed to penetrate the wall between the boiler room and the stage, and be installed on the back wall of the stage, up through the roof, and across the roof to the new units. The main electrical distribution panel is located in the locker room. The new ductwork in the kitchen, running from the new unit on the roof to the ductwork distributing air on the front wall of the kitchen, shall be changed to a 10”x30” (inside dimensions). The new curb for RTU2 and RTU3 calls for a vibration isolation curb. The new curbs in these two locations shall be changed to vibration isolation and plenum curbs.

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225 Rafkind Rd, Bloomingdale, NJ

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