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Published May 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Rindge, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

For Asphalt Hot Mix Paving for various streets in Rindge. Estimated Tons in place 4000 +/-. The entire work contemplated by the Contract shall be under the supervision of the Board of Selectmen, or their agents so designated, and all questions concerning the prosecution of the work shall be referred to and decided by them. A. Asphalt Hot Mix Paving: 1. SHIM AND OVERLAY: The contractor will furnish and place Hot Mix Paving in the following manner: place tac oil, shim as needed with 3/4 Binder mix 1.5 inch wearing course of 3/8" NH State top (type #) as directed by the Road Agent. This shall include a 2' apron at each driveway and 30' at each side road, with a seam cut at the joint, per the instructions of the Road Agent. All Asphalt Hot Mix must meet Current State of NH DOT specifications. The Town requests that a nuclear density compaction test be taken to gauge rolling sequence on completion of each road. 2. ASPHALT HOT MIX PAVING 2" BASE COURSE/ 1" TOP COAT ON RECYCLED AREA. The paving shall be responsible for the final grading prior to paving. The surface smoothness shall be checked transversely with acceptable templates and longitudinally with straight edges in accordance with the instructions by the Road Agent. The contractor will furnish and place (2") two inches Base Binder (type B) and (1") one inch of 1/2" NH top on the entire length of recycled area (3" after compaction). Including a 2' apron at driveways and 30' on side roads with a seam cut at the joint. All Asphalt Hot Mix must meet the Current State of NH DOT specifications. The Town requires that a nuclear density compaction test be taken to gauge rolling sequence on completion of each road. B. Asphalt Hot Mix Paving Equipment The contractor is required to have a self-propelled paver, capable to paving 10' - 14' in a single pass. The varie screed must be heated. The compaction of the Hot Mix will be by 10-12 ton static roller. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to meet part VI Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Streets and Highways, and to include two way radios. C. Cold In-Place Recycling Recycling will consist of pulverizing the existing pavements with equal depths of road base and blending them. All cobbles having a diameter greater than 21/2" shall be culled out. All driveways and side roads will be saw cut and removed to a depth and distance directed by the Road Agent. After pulverization, the Town reserves the right to add crush gravel or calcium chloride to the road base. The contractor shall add 1 gallon of calcium chloride to the base mix and regrind per the instructions of the Road Agent. The Town requires a nuclear density compaction test be taken prior to paving. D. In-Place Recycling Equipment The recycler must have an established capacity of recycling hot mix in-place, to produce a crushed material, which conforms to the gradation in section C. In addition, it must have an established record of producing the recycled material at a rate of production consistent with the time allowed by the Road Agent. The recycler must have the capability to adjust its depth of cut and forward speed to allow minor adjustments to the gradation or if the crushed material does not fall with the gradation requirements. The contractor is expected to have a vibratory roller on site. E. Recycled Materials The materials shall be a mixture of existing pavements and road base. Pulverized to conform to the following: Sieve Designation % by weight passing 2 1/2" 100 1/4" 30-60 No. 200 0-10


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Rindge, NH

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