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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Oakland, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Description: State Project 026594.40, WIN 26594.40. Location: In Kennebec & Somerset Counties, project is located at various locations in Oakland and Fairfield. Outline of Work: ADA Curb Ramp Improvements. For general information regarding Bidding and Contracting procedures, contact George Macdougall at (207) 624-3410. Question Deadline 05/13/2024 at 12:00 PM ET Questions received after 12:00 noon of Monday (or if that Monday is a state holiday, Friday) prior to bid date will not be answered. Bidders shall not contact any other Departmental staff for clarification of Contract provisions, and the Department will not be responsible for any interpretations so obtained. 1TY users call Maine Relay 711. Each Bid must be made upon blank forms provided by the Department and must be accompanied by a bid bond at 5% of the bid amount or an official bank check, cashier's check, certified check, certificate of deposit, or United States postal money order in the amount of 5% of the bid amount, payable to Treasurer, State of Maine as a Bid guarantee. A Contract Performance Surety Bond and a Contract Payment Surety Bond, each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price, will be required of the successful Bidder. This Contract is subject to all applicable State Laws. The right is hereby reserved to the MaineDOT to reject any or all bids. MEDOT - ADA Curb Ramp Improvements - Oakland and Fairfield - Region 2 1. This Contract allows for one operation per day, unless otherwise approved by the Resident. 2. The Contractor shall plan operations so that the Resident will have sufficient advanced notification to provide the necessary inspection and testing. Sufficient notification is considered 48 hours. 3. All work activities shall maintain 2-way at all times. Any exceptions shall be preapproved by the Department. I. To protect Northern Long Eared Bat (Myotis septrionalis) a federally Endangered species: A. If the Contractor witnesses a bat (dead or alive), any activities that may injure any live bats must cease immediately and must contact the MaineDOT Environmental (ENV) Office for further coordination. Dead and/or injured bats will be collected by a MaineDOT biologist for further investigation or transfer to a veterinarian. Work in the vicinity of the live/dead bat sighting will not resume until the ENV office or project resident confirms it is acceptable to do so. II. To protect migratory birds pursuant to the Migratory Bird Act of 1918: A. If the Contractor observes an active bird nest within the project limits, any activities that may disturb the nest or injure birds (i.e., nesting adults, chicks, eggs) must cease immediately, and the Contractor shall contact the ENV Office for further coordination. III. Approvals: A. Temporary Soil Erosion and Water Pollution Control Plan (SEWPCP) Requirements Applicable to All Contracts Under section A, number 2, in the first sentence of the first paragraph, revise this Section by replacing the word “handicap” in two places with the word “disability” so it now reads: 2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, State that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, or mental disability. This work shall consist of constructing one or more courses of Hot Mix Asphalt pavement on an approved base in accordance with these specifications, and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections shown on the plans or established. The HMA pavement shall be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler if required, and asphalt material. This work shall consist of furnishing and placing Slipform Concrete Curb in close conformity with the plans, or as authorized by the Resident. This work shall consist of the furnishing, constructing, erecting, setting, resetting, and removal of concrete barrier and associated elements in accordance with these specifications, the Standard Details, and the lines and grades shown on the Plans or established by the Resident. his work shall consist of furnishing and installing guardrail components in accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans or as established. Guardrail is designated The Contractor agrees to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract including Extra Work in conformity with the Contract, WIN 26594.40 for ADA Curb Ramp Improvements in the Towns of Oakland and Fairfield, Counties of Kennebec and Somerset, Maine. The Work includes construction, maintenance during construction, warranty as provided in the Contract, and other incidental work. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all supervision, labor, equipment, tools supplies, permanent materials and temporary materials required to perform the Work including construction quality control including inspection, testing and documentation, all required documentation at the conclusion of the project, warranting its work and performing all other work indicated in the Contract. The Department shall have the right to alter the nature and extent of the Work as provided in the Contract; payment to be made as provided in the same. Bid Documents, specifications and bid forms can be viewed and obtained digitally at no cost at brtp://www1m11jne.goy/mdotlamb'acto1s/ Plans, specifications and bid forms may be seen at the MaineDOT Building in Augusta, Maine and at the Department of Transportation's Regional Offic an electronic Bid Guaranty (if required) or a faxed copy of a Bid Bond (with original to be delivered within 72 hours), and c) any other Certifications or Bid requirements listed in the Bid Documents as due by Bid opening a copy of the Notice to Contractors, b) the completed Acknowledgement of Bid Amendments form, c) the completed Schedule of Items, d) two copies of the completed and signed Contract Offer, Agreement & Award form, e) a Bid Guaranty, (if required), and f) any other certifications or Bid requirements listed in the Bid Documents as due by Bid opening. The downloading of bid packages from the MDOT website is not the same as providing an electronic bid to the Department. Electronic bids must be submitted via For information on electronic bidding contact Rebecca Snowden at or Guy Berthiaume at Please use the attached “Request for Information” form when submitting questions concerning specific Contracts that have been advertised for Bid, include additional numbered pages as required. RFI’s may be faxed to 207-624-3431, submitted electronically through the Departments web page of advertised projects by selecting the RFI tab on the project details page or via e-mail to as described in the Department’s HMA Sampling and Testing Policies and Procedures manual. The Contractor shall report their results to the Resident, with a copy to by 7:00 AM, on the second working day from time of QA sampling, otherwise dispute resolution will not be initiated. For an Electronic Bid: NOTE: Not all projects accept Electronic Bids. Please review the Notice to Contractors and see if it specifically states that Electronic Bids w ill be accepted. a) a completed Bid using Expedite® software and submitted via the Bid Express™ webbased service, b) an electronic Bid Guaranty (if required) or a faxed copy of a Bid Bond (with original to be delivered within 72 hours), and c) any other Certifications or Bid requirements listed in the Bid Documents as due by Bid opening.

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Oakland, ME

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