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Published May 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Background : Holly Springs is a global biomanufacturing hub located in Wake County, NC, the third fastest-growing county in the country. Located approximately 10 miles from Raleigh and Research Triangle Park, minutes from RTP airport, and three tier-one research universities, Holly Springs boasts an ecosystem encompassing infrastructure, diverse talent, affordability, and quality of life. Question Deadline: 05/09/2024 at 2:00 PM ET , Question submissions must be received Matt Beard, AICP, CPD, Park Planner, Matt.beard@hollyspringsnc.gov and Dirk Siebenbrodt, PE, Engineer III , Dirk.siebenbrodt@hollyspringsnc.gov Questions submitted after the deadline do not require a response, though the Town will make reasonable efforts to provide clarification before the response deadline, if possible. Apart from question submissions, respondents should refrain from contacting Town staff prior to the response deadline. September 2024 Project Construction Begin December 2024 Project Construction Completion December 2024 Project Closeout Scope of Work and Project Description The Town of Holly Springs is seeking a qualified North Carolina licensed professional engineering firm to provide the services listed below. See Attachment A for an overview of the project/the scope of work. The successful firm will provide the following: Contract Administration Assist Town staff with Town Council meetings to award engineering services, construction administration, construction engineering & inspection contract(s). Preliminary Plan Phase Utility location Survey (only limited work is expected; most survey data exists) Construction Documentation Phase Design, cost estimate, schedule Preliminary development and construction drawing review process through the TOHS Development Services (DS) Department, including meetings with DS staff if needed. Other state permit submittals if deemed applicable Assist Town staff with Public involvement meetings, Town Council presentations, etc. Construction Bid Documentation and Administration Assist Town staff with project specifications (Standard front end, general conditions and supplementary contract provisions will be completed by Town staff) Assist Town staff with bid documentation Construction pre-bid meeting Assist Town staff with bid opening, bid evaluation, tabulation and recommendation Assist Town staff with Town Council meeting to award construction contract Construction Administration and Inspection Pre-construction meeting Full-time construction administration and inspection services Material testing, daily reports, etc. Utility relocations with private and public entities Weekly or bi-weekly construction meetings Assist Town staff with door hangers, social media, HOA notifications, etc. Punchlist and project closeout As-built survey and record The following services will be done by Town staff, if they are applicable: Right of way appraisals and negotiations On a preliminary concept level, the Ting-Oakhall Greenway Connector project consists of approximately 1,500 linear feet of new 10' wide asphalt trail construction (10-foot wide asphalt with 2-foot shoulders), possible retaining walls, 50 linear feet of 1 prefabricated steel bridge and construction associated with clearing, grading, drainage, erosion control, paving, signage, and other related items. It is anticipated that a recommendation will be forwarded to the Town Council for contract award in June of 2024. The awarded firm is expected to begin work upon receipt of the notice to proceed shortly after. Upon completion of response evaluations and potential interviews, if the Town has determined a suitable candidate, a contract will then be negotiated at a fair and reasonable fee with the best qualified firm. If a contract cannot be negotiated with the best qualified firm, negotiations with that firm shall be terminated and initiated with the next best qualified firm. All respondents will be notified of the contract award decision via email. The Town reserves the right to award all, none, or part of the services, which may be done with or without re-solicitation Minority/Women/Small Business Enterprise It shall be the practice of the Town of Holly Springs to provide minority-owned, women-owned, and small business enterprises (collectively "M/W/SBE") as well as other responsible vendors with fair and reasonable opportunity to participate in the Town's business opportunities including but not limited to employment, construction development projects, and material/services consistent with the laws of the State of North Carolina. The policy of the Town prohibits discrimination against any person or business in pursuit of these opportunities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. It is further the policy of the Town to conduct its contracting and procurement programs so as to prevent such discrimination and to resolve all claims of such discrimination. Conditions and Limitations The Town reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the solicitation, to advertise for new responses, or to accept any response deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A response to this solicitation should not be construed as a contract nor an indication of a commitment of any kind on the part of the Town nor does it commit either to pay for costs incurred in the submission of a response to this request or for any cost incurred prior to the execution of a final contract. The Town will reserve the right to dismiss any part or all of the contracted team when, in the Town's opinion, the project is not moving as scheduled or is hindered in any way by the actions or personalities of team members. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 16, 2025


Multiple Locations, Holly Springs, NC

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