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Published July 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Evaluation Committee (the "EC") will meet on Friday, May 31, 2024 in closed session to review and evaluate the Proposals received, may decide to select the CMc for the Project following evaluation, or may decide to shortlist Respondents to meet with and interview. If the EC decides to conduct interviews, they will occur on Thursday, June 6, 2024 in closed session. Each Proposal must be (a) in accordance with the requirements of the RFP, all of which is incorporated herein by reference, and (b) all of the provisions of IC 5-32, as amended and as applicable to the RFP process, and (c) submitted by a person or entity satisfying the definition of a Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc), as defined in IC 5-32, as amended (each a "CMc"). As of the date of publication of this Notice, all communications concerning the RFP between the School Corporation, the EC, and any prospective CMc, is to be through the Owner's Representative for the RFP. Any prospective CMc who contacts any employee, agent, or elected or appointed official of the School Corporation or any member of the EC, excluding the Owner's Representative for the RFP, between the date of this notification and the award of the CMc Contract between the School Corporation and the CMc selected by the School Corporation, is subject to disqualification at the sole and complete discretion of the School Corporation or the EC. The RFP includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements of IC 5-32: (1) the criteria, process, and procedures, including consideration or qualifications and fees, which (a) on Offeror will be evaluated, and (b) a CMc will be selected, and (c) a CMC Contract will be awarded; (2) information about the Guaranteed Maximum Price (the "GMP") established as part of the contracts for the Projects; (3) a description of the insurance requirements for the CMc. Proposal Review: Friday, May 31, 2024 Proposals will be reviewed in closed session Respondent Interviews: Thursday, June 6, 2024 If interviews are desired by the Owner Interviews will be conducted in closed session Award of CMc: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM (EDT) (Clark County, Indiana Current Local Time) Recommendation for approval of CMc selection GCCS Board of School Trustees, regularly scheduled public Board Meeting Request: Greater Clark County Schools (GCCS), via this Request For Proposals (RFP), is requesting Proposals to be submitted by qualified firms (Respondents) for the services of a Construction Manager As Constructor (CMc) for the Project(s) identified herein, in accordance with the process established by Indiana Code IC 5-32. Purpose: The purpose of this RFP is to review Proposals received from Respondents interested in partnering with GCCS, their Architects, and their other team members on the Project(s), identify the Respondent most qualified of delivering the Pre-Construction Phase Services and Construction Phase Services required, and select the most qualified Respondent to serve as the CMc for a successful delivery of the Project(s). Project Organization: The RFP contains Proposals being sought for six Projects, over a period of multiple calendar years. A single Contract will be awarded for all Projects as identified herein. Each Project will be required to maintain separate funding streams, pay requests, and be completed within its individual project budget and project time. Selection of the CMc will be made upon receiving, review, and evaluation of the Proposals and at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Committee, and as approved by the Board of School Trustees (Board). All questions or concerns shall be submitted, in writing via email, to the Owner's Representative for the RFP: Jamie Lake, AIA J. Lake Architecture & Design, Inc. 129 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville, IN 47130 502-802-8797 jamie.lake@jlakearch.com Communications: From the date of this RFP until the Owner executes the Contract with the Contractor, any and all communications by any Respondent with respect to this RFP, the Project(s), the Contract(s), or any matter related to any of the foregoing, shall be through and directed to only the Owner's Representative for the RFP, except for those communications made to the Evaluation Committee (EC) as part of the Respondent's formal presentation or interview, if any, included as a part of the EC and Owner selection process. The Owner's Representative for the RFP requires all communications by a Respondent to be in writing via e-mail. Any representative of an Offeror who contacts or communicates with any member of the EC, the Board, or any employee or agent of the Owner regarding this RFP, the Project(s), the Contract(s), or any matters related thereto from the date of this RFP, through and including the date of execution by the Owner of the Contract(s), is subject to disqualification at the sole and complete discretion of the Owner or the EC The work of the Architects include providing information to the Respondents electronically, in digital form, and within a variety of formats. All information is being provided in an effort to assist the Respondents in better communication of information between the EC, Owner, Architects, and Respondents. The Architects will provide all Respondents with the same information and in the same formats. It is not the responsibility of the Architects to make multiple formats of information available, or produce specific formats of information to suit a specific need of any certain Respondent. Distribution: The Owner's Representative for the RFP will provide the digital information to all Respondents as included in this RFP and/or via postings to an online planroom of a local reprographics company, with the information and link provided within this RFP. Project Folder: Anytime a planroom, online posting site, project folder, or similar reference is made within this RFP, this is the folder link being referenced. It refers to the reprographics company's online planroom link, provided by the Owner's Representative for the RFP, containing the digital project information to be shared with the Respondents. Project Scope: A. Charlestown High School - Auditorium Renovation: 1. General Description: a. General renovation of the existing auditorium space, constructed 1977. b. The existing auditorium and stage areas are essentially original, without ever having had major renovation or improvements. c. Comprised of main areas; main house, stage, backstage, control room, lobby. 2. General Scope: a. General aesthetic and comfort improvements to the main house area. 1) New finishes; carpet flooring, coated concrete flooring, base, wall paint, acoustical ceilings, drywall ceiling repair and paint. 2) Rehabilitation of the existing auditorium seating. 3) Replacement of the ceiling light fixtures. 4) Replacement of the aisle lighting. 5) Updates for accommodation of ADA seating areas. b. General aesthetic and system improvements to the stage area. 1) New finishes; floor stain, base, wall paint, structure paint. 2) Refinishing or replacement of the existing wood stage flooring. 3) Repair or replacement of some existing stage curtains. Existing fire curtain remains, has been recently replaced and upgraded. 4) Upgrades to the existing stage lighting system. 5) Upgrades to the existing stage dimming system. 6) Upgrades to the existing stage sound system. 7) Existing projector and screen remain, have been recently replaced and upgraded. 8) Upgrades to or replacement of the orchestra pit filler. 9) Addition of a stage safety edge marker system. c. General aesthetic and safety improvements to the backstage areas. 1) New finishes; floor stain, base, wall paint, structure paint. 2) Refinishing or replacement of the existing wood stage flooring. 3) Repair or replacement of existing railings at elevated storage areas. 4) Improved storage capability at prop shop area. d. General aesthetic and system improvements to the control room area. 1) New finishes; flooring, base, wall coverings, acoustical ceilings. 2) Upgrades to the existing stage lighting system controls. 3) Upgrades to the existing stage sound system controls. Some existing components have been recently replaced and upgraded. 4) Replacement of the existing spot lights. 5) New countertop and casework for sound and lighting control stations. 6) Improved storage capability. e. General aesthetic improvements to the lobby area. 1) New finishes; flooring, base, wall paint, acoustical ceilings. 2) Added multi-media display capabilities. 3) Improved signage and branding. 4) Upgrades to the existing box office ticket booth and windows Project Budget: A. Charlestown High School - Auditorium Renovation: 1. $2,250,000 anticipated Guaranteed Maximum Price. 2. All inclusive: a. This is the anticipated GMP contract amount to the CMc for their portion of this Project. b. All hard costs; construction, renovation, demolition, Perfection's HVAC. c. All soft costs; professional services fees, legal fees, reimbursable fees, cost of issuance, equipment, furniture, technology, etc. Project Schedule: A. Charlestown High School - Auditorium Renovation: 1. GCCS 5-Year Capital Projects Plan: a. This Project is included in Year 1 of the current plan, 2024-2025. 2. Pre-Construction Phase Services: a. The work of the CMc shall begin immediately following award of the CMc Contractor. b. It is intended that a design team will be procured at the same time the CMc is hired. c. The Design Team will begin working with the Owner to develop the conceptual design and the scope of work to be included in the Project. d. Complete as quickly as possible to solidify the design, scope, budget, and schedule. e. Coordinate with the Owner for determination of the scope of work. f. Coordinate with the Architect for completion of the architectural and design work. g. Coordinate with Perfection for the completion of the HVAC and engineering work. h. Anticipated approval of the CMc to be June 2024. i. Anticipated start of bidding packages to be October 2024. 3. Construction Phase Services: a. Begins immediately following completion of the Pre-Construction Phase. b. The CMc to develop an approach and schedule for construction activities to meet the anticipated timeline for construction. c. Anticipated start of construction to be January 2025. d. Anticipated that construction will continue throughout Spring Semester 2025 and Summer Break 2025. e. Early bid packages may be required or desired for specific scopes of work to facilitate the schedule and timing of the work. 4. Completion: a. The Owner anticipates the project areas to open for all intended activities, for the start of the Fall Semester, approximately mid-July 2025. b. Substantial Completion to be completed in time for the Owner to complete all furniture, loose equipment, technology, and any other scope of work under their direct responsibility during the Summer 2025 in time for move in and opening of the project areas. Short List Confirm




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2315 Allison Ln, Jeffersonville, IN

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