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Renovation of a fire / police facility in Maynard, Massachusetts. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Town of Maynard, Massachusetts, in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B, acting through its Select Board, is requesting sealed proposals for the acquisition and development of the town's former fire station, located at 1 Summer Street ("The Property") along the gateway to the vibrant Maynard downtown. Built in 1955, the 9,986 square foot brick building sits on a lot of .376 acre (approximately 16,000 square feet). A walkable and welcoming municipality of nearly 11,000, Maynard engages locals, attracts visitors, and is one of MetroWest's fastest growing communities. The site is in the Maynard Cultural District, a thriving cultural, business, and lifestyle destination, just steps from retail, arts, cultural events, entertainment, a stellar variety of dining options, and recreational opportunities, including the Assabet Valley Rail Trail. This RFP is issued to identify and select the proposal most advantageous overall to the Town. A selection team appointed by the Maynard Town Administrator will evaluate proposals based on criteria including, but not limited to, the property development plan, consistency with the Town's Master Plan goals and Community Development Principles, and potentialfinancial benefits for the Town, among others. The manner in which this property is developed shall be consistent with the Town's Master Plan, Community Development Principles, and Zoning By-laws. Links to these three documents are listed in Appendix A. Deadline for submitting written questions about the RFP May 15, 2024, at 4:00 PM Questions Concerning this RFP Questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing to Gregory Johnson, Town Administrator, Maynard Town Hall, 195 Main Street, Maynard, MA 01754. Questions may be delivered or mailed to this address, clearly addressed to Gregory Johnson, with Steve Silverstein in copy. All questions must be received by May 15, 2024, at 4:00 PM. Written responses will then be emailed to all proposers on record as having picked up or downloaded the RFP. General Site Description The former Maynard Fire Station is located at 1 Summer Street, Maynard MA 01754. The site consists of the existing main building, parking areas, landscaped bed, and garden. The site is bound by Summer Street to the south and southeast, Acton Street to the east, and two-family residential dwellings to the north and northeast. The site contains a driveway on the south side of the site which acts as a thru way from Acton Street to Summer Street. Access is provided to the northwest and southwest parking lots from two driveway entrances on Summer Street. The fire station has three (3) doors for emergency vehicles on the west side of the building. Access to these garage doors is provided by a three-lane driveway entrance on Summer Street. The fire station garage also has one emergency vehicle entrance on the northeast side of the building. Access to this garage door is provided by a one lane driveway entrance on Acton Street. The site contains three (3) parking areas, located in the northwest corner, the southwest corner, and northeast corner of the site. Access is provided to the northwest and southwest parking areas from two (2) driveway entrances on Summer Street. Access is provided to the northeast parking area from one driveway entrance on Acton Street. The site contains a small garden on the north corner of the site.


Fire / Police


Public - City


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May 28, 2025


1 Summer St, Maynard, MA

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