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Published September 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition, site work and addition to a mixed-use development in Charleston, South Carolina. Working plans call for the addition of a 8,950-square-foot, 50-space medical facility; for site work for a medical facility; and for the demolition of a medical facility.
Bid is cancelled 36C77624Q0210, VA-24-00065167 THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR STANDARD FORM (SF) 330 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS PACKAGES ONLY. ALL INFORMATION NEEDED TO SUBMIT SF 330 DOCUMENTS IS CONTAINED HEREIN. NO SOLICITATION PACKAGE, TECHNICAL INFORMATION, OR BIDDER/PLAN HOLDER LIST WILL BE ISSUED. THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT PAY, NOR REIMBURSE, ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RESPONDING TO THIS REQUEST. THE GOVERNMENT IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT AS A RESULT OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Program Contracting Activity Central (PCAC) is seeking sources and intends to award a firm fixed price design contract for Architect-Engineering (A-E) services for the development of complete construction documents, which include working drawings, specifications, and reports, and construction period services for Project # 534-336 Expand MB Specialty Clinic- Myrtle Beach VAMC. The A-E Services contract that is anticipated to be awarded will be procured in accordance with the Selection of Architects and Engineers statute [formerly known as the Brooks Architect Engineer Act], Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) subpart 36.6 Architectural and Engineering Services, VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 836.6, and VA Acquisition Manual (VAAM) M836.6 Architect-Engineer Services. In accordance with FAR 36.209, Construction Contracts with Architect-Engineer Firms, no contract for the construction of a project shall be awarded to the firm that designed the project or its subsidiaries or affiliates, except with the approval of the head of the agency or authorized representative. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION This project is a 100% set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) concerns. The NAICS code for this procurement is 541330 Engineering Services and the annual small business size standard is $25.5M. A full design team is required to complete this project. The VA expects to award the anticipated A-E contract in October 2024. The anticipated period of performance for completion of design is 365 calendar days after notice of award (NOA). The VAAR magnitude of construction is between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000. design performance begins with the issuance of the NOA and that a notice to proceed (NTP) will not be issued for the completion of a design project. 3. A-E SELECTION PROCESS Firms submitting SF 330s in response to this announcement, not later than the closing date and time specified herein and in accordance with submission requirements, will be considered for evaluation. The selection will be made as follows: SF 330s will be evaluated in accordance with the primary selection criteria as stated in this pre-solicitation notice. These evaluations will determine the most highly qualified firms for this particular requirement. In accordance with FAR 36.602-3(c), at least three of the most highly qualified firms will then be notified of the Government s intent to hold discussions. All firms not invited to participate in discussions will be notified at this time. In accordance with FAR 36.607(b), any requested debriefings of successful and unsuccessful firms will be held after final selection has taken place and will be conducted, to the extent practicable, in accordance with 15.503, 15.506(b) through (f), and 15.507(c). Note that 15.506(d)(2) through (d)(5) do not apply to architect-engineer contracts. Discussions will be held with the most highly qualified firms in the form of written responses. The firms invited to participate in discussions will be notified by email and provided further instructions, including any questions or topics to address. Following the completion of discussions, the firms will be evaluated and ranked based on the primary and (if necessary) secondary selection criteria. The final evaluation and ranking will consider the SF 330 submission for each firm, as well as additional information obtained via discussions. The highest rated firm will be selected to receive the solicitation and engage in negotiations. The solicitation will be issued to the highest rated firm as a Request for Fee Proposal (RFP). All SOW attachments and site-specific documentation will be provided to the highest rated firm with the RFP. A site visit will be authorized during the negotiation process. An award will then be made as long as the negotiation of rates and hours leads to a fair and reasonable determination of the final contract price. If negotiations with the highest rated firm are unsuccessful, the firm will be notified that negotiations have been terminated. Negotiations will then be initiated with the next highest rated firm, and so on until award can be made. 4. SELECTION CRITERIA: Firms responding to this notice will be evaluated and ranked using the primary and secondary selection criteria listed below. The factors are listed in descending order of importance. The evaluation will consider how each factor is addressed and how it is formatted to coincide with the selection criteria. Primary Selection Criteria: Specialized experience and technical competence): in the design and construction period services shall be provided for The Certification & Authorization (Approval) requirements do not apply, and a Security Accreditation Package is not required. The A/E shall provide a SC DHEC Certified Asbestos Management Planner to perform asbestos survey investigations, bulk sampling, and development of abatement specifications and drawings for the expansion of the existing Myrtle Beach Dental Clinic as required. Asbestos surveys shall include sampling of all suspect ACM within this scope of work. Survey investigations, sampling and reporting shall meet the requirements of SC DHEC regulations. Provide air monitoring and clearance for abatement procedures. Submissions shall include no more and no less than five (5) recent and relevant Government and private experience projects similar in size scope and complexity, and experience with the type of projects/competence above. Relevant is defined as those task requirements identified in the attached Statement of Work and this notice. Recent is defined as services provided and ended or is ongoing within the past five (5) years. Each project shall include the following: Project title, location and detailed narrative describing the scope of services provided including the type of work performed by the offeror and its role in the project i.e. prime contract, Teaming Partner or subcontractor Project Owner, owner s point of contact including telephone number and email address. Services & Deliverables provided under the contract/task order Period of Performance, including start and completion dates Total dollar value of the project AE Cost Estimate vs. Actual Construction Cost Contract number associated with the project Note: Awards to overseas offices for projects outside the United States, its territories and possessions, and awards to a subsidiary if the subsidiary is not normally subject to management decisions, bookkeeping, and policies of a holding or parent company or an incorporated subsidiary that operates under a firm name different from the parent company, will not be considered under this factor. Section G will used to evaluate the prior experience of the prime firm and any key subcontractors working together on the provided relevant projects. The offeror shall include narratives addressing the following topics in Section H. Simply re-stating this list in Section H will not be sufficient. The narrative of how the firm addresses each of these will be evaluated. The management approach The coordination of disciplines and subcontractors Design quality management/control procedures, and Familiarity with VA Design Guides/Manuals, Master Specifications and other applicable standards. Professional qualifications: necessary for satisfactory performance of required service. The A-E shall demonstrate they are able to sign and stamp each drawing by individuals licensed in any state in the United States for the key positions listed below. Provide Professional License numbers and/or proof of Licensure. The evaluation shall consider the specific experience (minimum of five years) and qualifications (i.e., education, training, registration, certifications, overall relevant experience, and longevity with the firm as full-time employees) of personnel proposed for assignment to the project, and their record of working together as a team when evaluating professional qualifications. The lead designer in each discipline must be registered but does not have to be registered in the particular state where the project is located with the exception of the Environmental Engineer. South Carolina state law requires a South Carolina registered engineer to sign and seal any environmental documents/plans. South Carolina state law requires that anyone inspecting or working with asbestos must be licensed in the state of South Carolina. A resume for each of these key positions must be provided via Section E in the SF330. Key positions and disciplines required for this project include, but are not limited to: a) Architect (LEED certification/US Green Build Council certification) b) Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) c) Cost Estimator d) Civil Engineer e) Electrical Engineer f) Environmental Engineer g) Healthcare Engineer/Specialist h) Fire Protection Engineer i) Industrial Hygienist j) Mechanical Engineer k) Plumbing Engineer l) Project Manager m) Quality Assurance Manager n) Structural Engineer o) Physical Security Specialists p) Commissioning Agent Offer must include the following statement of SDVOSB compliance when submitting the personnel proposed to perform the work under this requirement: I [signatory authority] ___________________, [company] __________________, certify that the SDVOSB prime contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to the prime for contract performance to firms that are not certified SDVOSBs by the Small Business Association s Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) in compliance of VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 852.219-75. The information provided in sections C through E of SF 330 will be used to evaluate this evaluation factor. Do not include this information in section H, unless it is perti-nent to support the information listed in the other sections. Capacity to accomplish work in the required time. The evaluation will consider the team s plan and overall ability to meet the schedule of the project, as well as the available capacity of personnel in key disciplines. Provide the team s available capacity by listing all projects awarded during the previous 12 months, including the full potential value of any current indefinite delivery contracts, and by presenting current workload percentages for required disciplines. The information for this factor must be provided in section H of SF 330. Please ensure the capacity applies toward the proposed team/personnel provided in SF 330. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. CPARS data or PPQs (use attached PPQ if no CPARS data is available) must be provided for all projects submitted under Factor 1 Specialized Experience. The following information must be specified on each performance report: contract/task order number, project title, prime firm, start date, and completion date. CPARS data and PPQs do not count toward the page limitation. Government past performance information systems may be accessed. Evaluating past performance and experience may include information provided by the firm, customer inquiries, Government databases, publicly available sources, and additional projects in CPARS. Failure to provide requested data, accessible points of contact, or valid phone numbers could result in a firm being considered less qualified. Note: We recommend you contact every reference listed and let them know we may contact them for information. Their timely replies would be appreciated. The information for this factor must be provided in section H of SF 330. Knowledge of the locality, to include specific knowledge of certain local conditions or project site features, such as geological features, climatic conditions, construction firms and trades labor availability, local construction methods, and local laws and regulations. The information for this factor must be provided in section H of SF 330. Experience in construction period services for projects similar in scope, to include professional field inspections during the construction period, review of construction submittals, support in answering requests for information during the construction period, commissioning, and support of construction contract changes, including drafting statements of work and cost estimates. The information for this factor must be provided in section H of SF 330. Secondary Selection Criterion*: Geographic location. Location of the firm, as measured by the driving distance (miles) between the offeror s principal business location and the project site. Determination of the mileage will be based on Google Maps ( *The secondary selection criterion is used as a tiebreaker, if necessary, in ranking the most highly qualified firms following the completion of discussions. The secondary selection criterion will not be applied when determining a firm s SF 330 submission highly qualified or not highly qualified. 5. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The below information contains the instructions and format that must be followed for the submission of the SF 330 Statement of Qualifications: Submit ONE (1) SF 330 Statement of Qualifications to both Contract Specialist Johnna Mc graw at and Contracting Officer William Henkel at . Megan Johnson Procurement Technician This must include Parts I and II and any applicable attachments. The submission must include the SF 330, Architect-Engineer Qualifications (form is available online at ). The SF 330 submission is due by 2:00 PM ET on August 15, 2024. The SF 330 must be submitted in one email and have a file size no larger than 5 MB. No hard copies will be accepted. The subject line of the email must read: SF 330 Submission - 36C77625R0002 Expand MB Specialty Clinic. The SF 330 submission must not exceed a total of 50 pages. This includes title page, table of contents, and any other relevant information. Any pages submitted by an offeror that exceed the limit will not be considered during the evaluation. Each page must be in Arial size 12 font, single spaced. Part II of the SF 330 and any CPARs or PPQs will NOT count toward the page limitation. A PPQ obtained for another SF 330 submission may be submitted for this project. However, if significant portions of the project have been completed since the PPQ was filled out, a new PPQ should be submitted to accurately assess the project. Firms must include the following information in section B of the SF 330 submission: 1) SAM Unique Entity Identifier 2) Tax ID number 3) Cage code 4) Primary point of contact s email address and phone number All questions must be submitted to with the subject line SF 330 Questions - Expand MB Specialty Clinic The cutoff for question submission is 2:00 PM ET on July 31, 2024. Questions will be answered through modification to the pre-sol notice posted to Contract Opportunities at This procurement is a 100% set-aside for SDVOSB concerns. Offers received from other than SDVOSBs will not be considered. Offerors must be certified as SDVOSBs by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and visible in the Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) database ( at the time of SF 330 submission, written response submission, and award. Failure to be certified in the VetCert database at these times will result in the offeror being deemed ineligible for award. All joint ventures must be SBA certified at the time of SF 330 submission, written response submission, and award and must submit agreements that comply with 13 CFR 128.402 prior to contract award. All prime firms must meet the NAICS code requirement specified in this notice. The Contracting Officer will verify the NAICS code in VetCert. Failure to meet the NAICS code requirement may result in the rejection of the SF 330 submission. SF 330 submissions received after the date and time specified will not be considered. Late proposal rules per FAR 15.208 will be followed for late submittals. Firms not providing the required information may not be evaluated. All information must be included in the SF 330 submission package. It is the offeror s responsibility to check the Contract Opportunities website at for any revisions to this announcement prior to submitting their SF 330. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.
Final Planning
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Addition, Demolition, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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Division 27 - Communications
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security
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