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Published May 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Southington, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for paving for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Town of Southington, Connecticut is seeking bid proposals for the reconstruction of the existing running track at Southington High School, 720 Pleasant Street, Southington, Connecticut. Bids may be held by the Town of Southington for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of the bidder prior to awarding the contract. To comply with the calendar school year indicated in the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders, demolition can commence on or after June 17, 2024, and work for the entire project must be substantially complete on or before September 20, 2024. A Bid Bond of ten percent (10%) of the bid amount is required. The selected bidder will be required to post Performance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the Contract Sum. Remove all existing rubberized track surfacing from the running track, high jump event area, long jump runway, pole vault runway, and pole vault landing area. o Remove and dispose of the existing running track asphalt base. The concrete base for the high jump event area, long jump runway and pole vault event area are to remain. The existing track edge drain is to remain. o Reconstruct the running track subbase per the geotechnical investigation recommendations. o Pave a new asphalt base. o Furnish and install new synthetic track surfacing. o Paint track and runway markings. o Alternate No.1 - Remove and dispose of existing perimeter chain link fencing and gate. Furnish and install new 4' height chain link fencing and gates. New fencing will be installed in a concrete curb. o Alternate No.2 - Reconstruct the existing shot-put event landing area. o Alternate No.3 - Reconstruct the area directly to the east of the chute currently surfaced with loose laid synthetic turf. o Alternate No.4 - Furnish and install a Beynon BSS 300 (or approved equal) track surfacing in lieu of a BSS 100 (or approved equal) track surfacing. The selected firm must meet all municipal, state and federal AA and EEO practices and requirements. MBEs/WBEs/SBEs are encouraged to apply. This contract is subject to state contract compliance requirements, including non-discrimination statutes and set-aside requirements. State law requires a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the state-funded portion of the contract be set aside for award to subcontractors holding current certification from the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services. The contractor must demonstrate good faith effort to meet the 25% set-aside goals. The Town of Southington reserves the right to reject and all bids in whole or in part or may waive any informalities in the bid, if, in its opinion, it is in the best interests of the Town to do so. All bid documents must be completely filled out when submitted. Bids must be firm and may not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days following the bid opening. The selected firm must meet all municipal, state and federal AA and EEO practices and requirements. MBEs/WBEs/SBEs are encouraged to apply. This contract is subject to state contract compliance requirements, including non-discrimination statutes and set-aside requirements. State law requires a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the state-funded portion of the contract be set aside for award to subcontractors holding current certification from the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services. The contractor must demonstrate good faith effort to meet the 25% set-aside goals. Question Deadline 05/10/2024 at 4:00 PM ET All questions about the proposals should be directed to Peter J. Romano, Director of Operations, by e-mail at promano@southingtonschools.org. Answers to all so received questions shall be posted by May 14, 2024 on the Southington Schools' website at electronically. The Town of Southington reserves the right to reject and all bids in whole or in part or may waive any informalities in the bid, if, in its opinion, it is in the best interests of the Town to do so. All bid documents must be completely filled out when submitted. Bids must be firm and may not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days following the bid opening.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Site Work



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