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Published May 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field in Rock Island, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Rock Island Parks and Recreation Department is seeking proposals from qualified firms for a LED lighting plan, purchase and installation of recreational LED lights at the pickleball courts in Mel McKay Park in Rock Island. Mel McKay Park is a municipal park located in southwest Rock Island 9009 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. The Parks and Recreation Department was awarded an OSLAD Grant that was matched with ARPA funding to construct 6 new pickleball courts in the park. The courts have been completed and the final step is to install recreational lighting that is appropriate for the court design. The lights will provide safe playing conditions and security lighting. Scope- 1. The successful firm or team will demonstrate its ability to design and install a LED lighting system for the Mel McKay Pickleball Courts: 6 pickleball courts stacked 2 x 2 x 2 2. All wiring of the lights will be trenched underground. 3. Installation of a programable light timer that will automatically turn on and off the lights. 4. The Contractor will supply the labor (prevailing wage), material, and incidentals necessary for the complete installation of new lighting. 5. If Approved a. The successful firm will be responsible for the lighting plan development, installation of footings, poles, lighting fixtures and electrical work in accordance to state and local requirements. b. The contractor is responsible for repairing all site damage to roads, walkways, turf and anything else associated with the project. The proposals should contain the following information, plus any other information deemed pertinent by your firm in a sealed package: 1) Proposed Scope of Services, Cost and the anticipated schedule. 2) Examples and brief synopsis of comparable projects including recent clients that may be used as references. 6. Qualifications and Experience. 7. Current workload. Additional information and questions may be directed to Director of Parks & Recreation: John Gripp at (309) 732-7283, or Construction Officer: Jeff Laxton at (309) 732-2906. The successful firm will be expected to acquire and maintain acceptable amounts of insurance during the life of this project covering worker compensation, employer's liability, comprehensive general liability and professional liability covering acts, errors and omissions in the performance of this contract.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

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May 14, 2024

June 13, 2024


9009 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island, IL

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LED Lighting on the Pickleball Courts at Mel McKay Park in Rock Island

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