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Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; and water / sewer project.

This package is related to site enabiling for the new UK AGResearchFacility. Thispackageincludes Site Utility Relocations for existing Plumbing, Mechanical, Storm, SanitaryandElectrical. This package will also include site enabling for project startupneedsfor sitefencing, lighting, electrical, etc. This Contract Manual and associated drawings are for an early site enablingworkforAgriculture Research Facility 1 project at the University of Kentucky. The building packages for the new construction of the Agriculture ResearchFacility1andTeaching Greenhouse building will be issued in future construction packages. The new construction will include 270,000 GSF of research laboratories, teachinglaboratories, lab support spaces, and offices for the College of Agriculture, Food, andEnvironmental Science. Bids will be received from Prime Contractors on a Lump SumAmount for thetotal project.Allphases of the work shall be bid to and through the Prime Contractors. Bidsshall besubmittedin the manner described herein and on the official proposal formincludedwiththeconditionsand specifications and shall be subject to all the conditions as set forthanddescribedintheBid Documents. Bids shall be submitted only on the Official Forms supplied by the Universityof Kentucky,Construction Procurement Section and in the following order: 1. Form of Proposal (Bid Form) 2. Acknowledged Addenda 3. Determination of Responsibility 4. Bid Bond **Please ensure there are no staples (check your bid bond) Phase 1: Scope of this work to be determined through design. Plannedstart of constructionJune 20, 2024, with a target substantial completion March 2, 2026. Phase II: Scope of this work to be determined through design. Plannedstart of constructionJune 20, 2024, with a target substantial completion December 14, 2026. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid guarantee of not less than five(5%) percent of theamount of the base bid. A 100% Performance Bond and 100%Payment Bondshall befurnished by the successful bidder as a condition of the contract. All bondingandinsurancerequirements are contained in the Instruction to Bidders, General ConditionsandSpecial Conditions. Payments for Plans, Specifications and Official Bid Documents must bemadetoLynnImaging before a set of documents will be issued. Notes: Contractors that receive plans and specifications fromother sourcesthanLynnImaging must request a "Form of Proposal" from the University's PurchasingRepresentativeto be registered as plan holders and to receive addendums. Potential Contractors must identify the position of their firmas a primebidder, miscellaneoussubcontractor, material supplier or other when ordering of picking up PlansandSpecifications. ds, upon their receipt by the University of Kentucky, Construction Procurement Sectionarestamped showing the hour and date received. Bids received after thescheduledclosingtimefor reception of bids will not be considered provided legal and acceptedbidshavebeenreceived on said referenced Invitation Contractors must submit their bid in a sealed envelope in Room#322 PetersonServiceBuilding, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0005 and the envelope must containthefollowinginformation on the outside lower left-hand corner: SEALED BID Anyone wishing to discuss specific items is requested to submit the itemsinwritingtoConstruction Procurement, no later than 05/10/2024 at 1:00 PMLexington, KYTime. Writtenquestions can be submitted by email to Corey W. Leslie at cckbidquestions@uky.eduorfaxto 859.257.1951. Please use the bid number and title in the 'Subject' lineof youremail. Note: Responses to Written Questions received no later than 05/10/2024will beprovidedinan addendum issued on or about 05/13/2024. Bid Result TC-002 ARBORIST AND TREE PRUNING Consulting Arborist & Tree $125,029 TC -003 SITE ELECTRICAL, COMMUNICATIONS Davis H. Elliot Construction Company, Inc. $3,300,000 TC-004 SITE EXCAVATION, GRADING, & PLUMBING Sunesis Construction Co. $1,348,000 TC-005 SITE MECHANICAL Thomas J. Dyer Company $8,463,539 TC-006 GENERAL TRADES Marrillia Design and Construction $749,722

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Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work





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May 21, 2024

June 20, 2024


1451 University Dr, Lexington, KY

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