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Published May 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Brookings, South Dakota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Professional Services for Landfill Leachate Force Main Design, Construction Bid Administration, and Construction Project Management The City of Brookings is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to design a system to consolidate leachate at the Brookings Regional landfill and then transport the leachate, via force main, from the Brookings Regional Landfill site to the nearest gravity sewer location. The proposal also requires the consultant to provide construction bid administration support services, and Construction Administration and Observation. Background The City of Brookings ("City") operates and maintains the Brookings Regional Landfill ("Landfill") located at 4101 30th Street Brookings, SD 57006. The facility boundary (Attachment A) is approximately 240 acres and the Landfill currently operates within an active disposal area of 35 acres. The Landfill has a design airspace capacity of 7,560,273 cubic yards and has received 50,000 - 60,000 tons of garbage annually for the past 5 years. The most recent Landfill Capacity and Closure Report (2023) estimates that the Landfill has of remaining life of 37 years. Leachate is currently managed by pumping from the sump locations in the landfill cells to below ground storage tanks, one on the east side of the site, and one on the west side of the site. Historically, leachate was pumped from the underground tanks and sprayed on the working face for disposal. As of August 2022, the leachate has been pumped and hauled to the waste water treatment plant by a third-party contractor. After a recent analysis of the current process and future leachate management needs, it has been determined that implementing a direct connection to the Brookings Municipal Utilities sanitary sewer, is warranted. Right-of-Way Services Consultant will provide right-of-way services including conditional utility permitting, notification letters to adjacent property owners along right-of-way, and coordination with utility companies for utility location.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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November 21, 2024


4101 30th St, Brookings, SD

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