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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bellingham, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Mitigation and Monitoring for Tree Removal Each successful Proposer shall provide the following minimum requirements: o Scope of Work - 1. Conduct monitoring and reporting services o Technical support for adaptive management of planted trees at Ports tree mitigation site (Slater Tree Planting Area) o Ongoing monitoring of planted trees at the Slater Tree Planting Area and stump regrowth monitoring at BLI in summer 2025 (Year 5) as detailed in the 2019 Mitigation and Monitoring Plan under the LDP approved by Whatcom County o Develop Year 5 monitoring reports for regrowth monitoring and Slater plantings and Year 1 for any new regrowth monitoring associated with cutting as well as any other anticipated mitigation. o Project management and review of existing monitoring and mitigation permits and activities 2. Support Development of Programmatic County Permit for Tree Felling at BLI o Develop an amendment to the 2019 Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to the Port's existing programmatic LDP o Prepare an updated Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Port to submit to Whatcom County along with the Port's new 5-year programmatic LFG Permit application for the airport to perform ongoing tree felling as tree hazards are identified by FAA and/or airport management in the future (2025 to 2030) 3. Provide ability to provide additional support with activities included but not limited to permit applications, additional tree inventory, potential expansion of current tree planting area, community outreach, etc.. 4. Support the Port with tree removal under the existing Whatcom County Land Disturbance Permit and Mitigation/Monitoring Plan (LDP 2018-00067 and MIT 2018-00075) o Conduct and participate in project meetings as needed o Discuss programmatic notification and potential refinements to the existing LDP and/or Mitigation Monitoring Plan, including but not limited to: o Removal of significant trees o Removal of non-significant trees o Removal of trees within stream buffer critical areas. o Methods to minimize impacts to critical areas from hazard tree felling in airport Runway Safety Area (RSA) and Runway Object Free Area (ROFA)s and wood removal/disposal o Support the Port's preparation of a notification for tree removal in RSA/ROFAs for submittal to Whatcom County under the existing LDP and mitigation/monitoring plan. Conduct and participate in project meetings as needed Discuss programmatic notification and potential refinements to the existing LDP and/or Mitigation Monitoring Plan, including but not limited to: Removal of significant trees Removal of non-significant trees Removal of trees within stream buffer critical areas. Methods to minimize impacts to critical areas from hazard tree felling in airport Runway Safety Area (RSA) and Runway Object Free Area (ROFA)s and wood removal/disposal Support the Port's preparation of a notification for tree removal in RSA/ROFAs for submittal to Whatcom County under the existing LDP and mitigation/monitoring plan. Prepare for and conduct tree inventory in RSA and ROFAs Estimate number of replacement trees required for mitigation and number of mitigation trees remaining at the Slater Tree Planting Area. The Port reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in a proposal, or to accept the proposal(s) which in the judgment of proper officials, is in the best interest of the Port. The Port reserves the right to accept a part or parts of a proposal unless otherwise restricted in the RFQ or issue subsequent RFQs. The Port reserves the right to approve or reject any sub-Contractors proposed for work under this proposal or waive any minor irregularities. The Port reserves the right to select the successful proposers once all proposals are received, without seeking further information for clarification from proposers. Upon review of proposals, the Port may designate the most qualified answer. The Port shall have the right to visit selected user sites, should this be deemed necessary. Last Day to Submit Questions: May 13, 2024. Written Responses to Questions: May 15, 2024.


Transportation Terminals

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 21, 2024

June 21, 2024


2005 W Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA

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