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Published May 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Spencer, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

All labor and materials for the bituminous asphalt resurfacing of the following sections of Owen County, Indiana roadways: 1. S 550 W: From Patricksburg Road to Stutz Road, 13,740 feet in length, width of 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 1,546. Consisting of (I) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 3,092. Total estimated tonnage 4,638. 2. W75S: From CR S 550 W to Owen County bridge 101. 5,914 feet in length, width of 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 667. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 1,331. Total Estimated tonnage 1,998T. 3. Jones Road: From Quincy Road to Culross Road. 19,220 feet in length, width 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 2,163. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 4,325. Total estimated tonnage 6,488T. 4. CR E 850 N: From Stone Mt. Road to Jones Road. 9,404 feet in length, width of 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 1,023. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 2,046. Total estimated tonnage 3,069T. 5. Franklin Street: From SR 67 to Jefferson Street. 340 feet in length, width 10 feet. Estimated tonnage 44. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated Tonnage 66. Total estimated tonnage 110T. 6. Methodist Church Street: From SR 67 to Indiana Southern Railroad. 160 feet in length, width 12 feet. Estimated tonnage 12. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 24. Total estimated tonnage 36T. 7. CRS50E: From Freeman Road to Braysville Road. 6,118 feet in length, width 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 689. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 1,378. Total estimated tonnage 2,067T. 8. Pottersville Road: From CR S 50 E to Stulz Road. Length 7,610, width 18 feet. Estimated tonnage 857. Consisting of (1) inch wedge/level and (2) inch layer of surface asphalt. Estimated tonnage 1,714. Total estimated tonnage 2,571.00 Each individual bid proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check or acceptable Bidder's Bond made payable to the Owen County Auditor, in a sum of not less than ten ( 10) percent of the total proposal, which the check or bond will be held by said Owen County Auditor as evidence that the bidder will, if awarded a contract, enter into the same with the Owner upon notification from him to do so within 10 days of said notification. Failure to execute the contract and to furnish performance bond and payment bond to Owen County, Indiana will be cause for the forfeiture of the amount of money represented by the check or bidder's bond, as and for liquidated damages. Form 96, as prescribed by the Indiana Board of Accounts, shall be properly completed and submitted with bid proposals. The Owen County Board of Commissioners at their discretion reserves the right to waive any and all informalities in the bidding. All bids submitted shall be valid for 60 days from the opening of the bids.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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