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Published May 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kingston, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number cb-144-90401896 The Correctional Service of Canada, Kingston and Campbellford, Ontario. The Correctional Service Canada (CSC) has a requirement to collect and dispose of wet organic waste accumulated within the sites listed in the deliverables. Objectives: The Contractor must provide bins of sufficient construction, configuration, and quantity to hold a full charge of wet organic wastes accumulated at the sites listed below (the collection sites) and have on hand sufficient numbers of bins for the quantities and schedule below, including clean bin exchange. The Contractors Bin must not exceed 120L volume in size and have wheels and handles to allow for full bin movement. Bins must be such that they can be reasonably moved manually from site storage areas to loading areas with minimal risk of injury or spilling. Bins must have fitted lids to reduce decay, odour, and access for vermin. CSC will not accept dumpsters. The Contractor will not have access to the CSC sites for collection on Federal Statutory Holidays. The Contractor must skip organic waste collection on Federal Statutory Holidays and resume normal collection on the next regularly scheduled collection day. The number of bins in the above table includes contingency for long weekends or missed collections. a. The Contractor must accept organic waste material with non-hazardous contaminants. The estimated weight of non-hazardous waste contaminants is approximately 5% of the organic waste material. The Contractor must dispose of contaminants in accordance with all regulatory requirements and landfill policies. The Contractor must accept non-hazardous waste contaminants in excess of 5% and dispose of at no additional cost to CSC. b. The Contractor must transport collected organic waste materials to a processing facility or transport it intermediately to a transfer station. The Contractor’s drivers must hold valid driver’s licenses appropriate for the vehicles the Contractor uses for waste collection. The Contractor must hold all appropriate approvals and licenses for its vehicles and receiving sites from all authorities with jurisdiction over waste disposal, including Ontario Ministry of the Environment Certificates of Approval for Waste Management Systems and Waste Disposal Sites.


Jails / Prisons

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Kingston, ON

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