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Published July 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Scottsdale, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/scottsdale-traffic/2024/06/14/adot-announces-2-month-road-closure-on-southbound-loop-101-on-ramp/74103560007/ 2-month closure planned for Loop 101 on-ramp. What Phoenix-area drivers should know Coleby Phillips Arizona Republic A new road closure blocking an on-ramp on Loop 101 in Scottsdale will force motorists to use a detour for several weeks, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation. Beginning Tuesday, the southbound Loop 101 on-ramp at Princess Drive/Pima Road is scheduled to be closed for about 60 days due to reconstruction work, ADOT announced. Drivers who normally use the on-ramp at Princess Drive can use the frontage road and enter southbound Loop 101 at Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, the department suggested. Additionally, the northbound Loop 101 on-ramp at Shea Boulevard, which was closed for reconstruction in April, is scheduled to reopen to traffic by 5 a.m. Monday. The ramp will reopen following this weekend’s closure of northbound Loop 101 between Shea Boulevard and Princess Drive for new lighting installation. The upcoming roadway obstruction is part of an ongoing freeway widening project in north Scottsdale, which began in January of this year, ADOT said. Crews are adding one lane in each direction along 4.5 miles of the Pima Freeway north of Shea Boulevard. Location of the upcoming southbound Loop 101 closure at the Princess Drive/Pima Road on-ramp in Scottsdale. The ramp will be closed for about 60 days. Other improvements include converting the Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard interchange to a diamond configuration and installing new signs, traffic signals and lighting, ADOT added. Additionally, the northbound Loop 101 off-ramps at Cactus Road and Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard are closed to accommodate the wider freeway. All on- and off-ramps between Shea Boulevard and Princess Drive are being closed in stages for reconstruction. How will bulk trash pickup work under Phoenix's new rules? What to know First look: What's going in at redeveloped Paradise Valley Mall, now PV, this fall? This is the hottest time of day in metro Phoenix: Here's what to know about summer temps This metro Phoenix city has one of the deadliest rush hours in the US. Here's why Amid several ongoing road closures on Valley freeways during the past few months for roadway improvements, ADOT is urging Loop 101 drivers to allow extra travel time, reduce speed, and make room for merging traffic as work continues on the widening project. The project is funded in part by Proposition 400, which was approved by Maricopa County voters in 2004. The entire project is scheduled for completion in early 2026. ____________________________________________ The City of Scottsdale invites sealed submittals to provide all labor, equipment, and materials to provide construction services for public improvements for the Shea Boulevard intersection and sidewalk Capital Improvements project for the City's Traffic Engineering department with specific improvement locations at 1) Via Linda, 2) 110th Street, 3) 112th Street to 114th Street and 4) 136th Street. Construction services includes but is not limited to demolition of existing improvements, grading and subgrade preparation, concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks, concrete structures, storm drain catch basins and piping, roadway paving, traffic control and barricading, pavement striping and markings, traffic signing and signalization, irrigation and sprinkler system modifications, and landscaping restoration. Requests for additional information relating to this bid should be directed to: Judie Bass Bid & Contract Specialist 480-312-5744 jbass@scottsdaleaz.gov


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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