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Published June 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Bidder's scope of work includes all labor and materials necessary to complete the installation of a Prefabricated Concession Stand and Restroom Building, including but not limited to all associated site work, utilities, site restoration, and other related items necessary as further described in the RFP. Eugene Myers Community Park Bathroom/concession Stand. One Hundred Twenty Days (120) from Notice to Proceed. Notice to Proceed is anticipated to be issued on or about June 6, 2024. The anticipated scope of work to be undertaken by the successful Contractor under the contract for this Project will be the complete installation of the Prefabricated Concession Stand and Restroom Building and associated site work as shown on the plans titled "Town of Emmitsburg Community Park" by Fox & Associates, Inc., dated January 2023. The proposed building will consist of one 23'-4" x 19'-4" x 9' high I.D. Precast Building. Scope of Work: The Town of Emmitsburg, Maryland seeks to contract for the services of a general contractor with expertise in all phases of the work associated with the construction, site preparation, and installation of a prefabricated restroom/concession stand building. This project is being funded partially by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Program Open Space and Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure grants. Bidder's scope of work includes all labor and materials necessary to complete the installation of a Prefabricated Concession Stand and Restroom Building, including but not limited to all associated site work, utilities, site restoration, and other related items necessary as further described in the RFP. The Town of Emmitsburg does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability in employment or the provision of services The anticipated scope of work to be undertaken by the successful Contractor under the contract for this Project will be the complete installation of the Prefabricated Concession Stand and Restroom Building and associated site work as shown on the plans titled "Town of Emmitsburg Community Park" by Fox & Associates, Inc., dated January 2023. The proposed building will consist of one 23'-4" x 19'-4" x 9' high I.D. Precast Building. See enclosed building specifications. Any work needed to complete this work will be the responsibility of the Contractor. This includes the precast structure, plumbing, electrical, and sewer not covered by the committed subcontractors and vendors mentioned below The Town of Emmitsburg has contracted with KelCo Plumbing for the installation of the water service and sewer lateral. Water and sewer stubs will be provided within 20' of the prefabricated building. Refer to the provided S.O.W. from KelCo Plumbing. The selected contractor will be responsible for all final water and sewer connections to the new building. The Town of Emmitsburg has contracted with Dixie Electric to provide the electrical service from the existing transformer to the new on-site transformer. Refer to the provided S.O.W. from Dixie Electric. The selected contractor shall provide the electrical service from the new transformer to the prefabricated building that is not covered by Dixie Electric. The Town of Emmitsburg reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bidding.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work




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May 21, 2024

June 6, 2024


201 W Lincoln Ave, Emmitsburg, MD

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