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Published July 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility; and water / sewer project.

**As of July 17, 2024 this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. The City of Wauwatosa is requesting proposals from qualified Contractor's for the design, fabrication, procurement, delivery, and installation of two (2) utility interactive solar photovoltaic systems. The first is located on the roof of the Wauwatosa Police Department located at 1700 N. 116th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53226 and a second system to be located on the ground at the Wauwatosa Water Utility Pumping Station located at 11000 W Potter Road. Taking into consideration the facilities electrical demand and load patterns, existing site conditions, and other relevant factors, the target power delivery for the system is to be as large as possible while keeping under the net metering limits. Areas for installation must be field verified by the contractor. The system layouts shall meet local fire department requirements, code and ordinance requirements for roof access, and the roof mounting system shall be fully ballasted and shall meet applicable local building code requirements with respect to snow, wind, and earthquake factors for roof mounted systems and pile driven or ballasted for ground mounted in accordance with City's Request for Proposal dated May 1, 2024 and this Official Notice. All questions must be submitted via email to the contact person under the subject line "Questions/Clarifications- Police Station & Potter Road Water Pumping Station Solar Photovoltaic Project" by not later than Friday, May 24, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. When deemed relevant, responses to those questions will be emailed to all RFP holders on the distribution list via an Addendum to ensure uniformity by not later than Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 4:00 P.M. Proposer certifies that their proposal has been made without connection to any other vendor and is, in all respects, fair and without collusion or fraud, and is made with the understanding that no elected official or Wauwatosa City employee has an interest, directly or indirectly, unless otherwise stated. The City of Wauwatosa reserves, exclusively to itself, the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous to the City and to waive any, or all, technicalities or informalities in submitted proposals. No proposals, alterations, or modifications to proposals shall be allowed after the official date of submission. The City of Wauwatosa is requesting proposals from qualified Contractor’s for the design, fabrication, procurement, delivery, and installation of two (2) utility interactive solar photovoltaic systems as described below. Taking into consideration the facilities’ electrical demand and load patterns, existing site conditions, and other relevant factors, the target power delivery for the system is to be as large as possible while keeping under the net metering limits. Areas for installation must be field verified by the contractor. The system layouts shall meet local fire department requirements, code and ordinance requirements for roof access, and the roof mounting system shall be fully ballasted and shall meet applicable local building code requirements with respect to snow, wind, and earthquake factors for roof mounted systems and pile driven or ballasted for ground mounted. 1. To be located on the roof and ground for Wauwatosa’s Police Department located at 1700 N 116th Street. The City envisions a system that uses both roof mounted panels on the main police facility as well as the detached garage, as well as ground mounted panels to the north of the building’s parking lot in an area shown in the Appendix. Underground conduit has been installed under the parking lot when it was reconstructed in the past few years to accommodate this possibility. This should be verified as to the size and capacity for the intended use. The grade of the area where the ground mounted panels is proposed is being modified substantially as can be seed on the included grading plan in the Appendix. Contractors should consider this when proposing the type of mounting system to be used. This site abuts a new park being constructed which will bring many visitors to the area. Fencing will be required to keep visitors out of the equipment. Fencing should be included within the contractor’s proposal. Fencing along 116th should match the fence that is in place along 116th currently and the remaining fence on the north and west side of the new array shall match the existing black chain link that surrounds the remainder of the PD parking lot. 2. To be located on the ground at the Wauwatosa Water Utility Pumping Station located at 11000 W. Potter Road. A ground mounted system is envisioned. The size and location of the system is to be determined by the proposing contractor to make the best use of available space, however, it is generally assumed the array would be south of the existing water storage tank as identified on the drawing in the Appendix. Existing fencing is assumed to remain, however, should sizing of the array necessitate relocation of the fence that should be discussed in the proposal and pricing should include that work. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds will be utilized for this portion of the RFP so there are additional Terms & Conditions included for this portion of the project. Examples of the Terms and Conditions, including the additional ARPA terms are included in the Appendix. Contractor should provide one project proposal that include two separate project plans outlining the proposals for each site, but it is the City’s intent to award as one proposal. For project management and budgeting purposes, the City will be tracking these as separate projects, awarded to one contractor. Contractor will be responsible for identifying and applying for any and all incentives and rebates available to the City on the City’s behalf. Questions & Addenda. All questions must be submitted via email to the contact person under the subject line Questions/Clarifications- Police Station & Potter Road Water Pumping Station Solar Photovoltaic Project no later than the deadline shown on the cover page of the RFP. When deemed relevant, responses to those questions will be emailed to all RFP holders on the distribution list via an Addendum to ensure uniformity by not later than the deadline shown on the cover page of the RFP. Proposers are not permitted to contact individual City Council members or other City staff for clarification of the RFP. Any such contract may disqualify the vendor from evaluation All inquiries and questions for clarification concerning this RFP should be directed both of the following contact people Proposers are not permitted to contact individual City Council members or other City staff for clarification of the RFP. Any such contract may disqualify the vendor from evaluation. All inquiries and questions for clarification concerning this RFP should be directed to both of the following contact people: Laurel Anne Schleimer Charles Pomerenke Purchasing Coordinator Facilities Manager City of Wauwatosa City of Wauwatosa lschleimer@wauwatosa.net cpomerenke@wauwatosa.net


Fire / Police


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Multiple Locations, Wauwatosa, WI

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