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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Santa Ana, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Bid Valid 60 Days Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 04/08/2024 4:00 PM (PDT) Nineteen jurisdictions within Orange County, including the "Urban County" of Orange, comprised of fourteen small cities participating in HUD-funded programs throughout the County, are collaboratively seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms (Consultants) adept in preparing an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) in accordance with current U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines. The chosen Consultant will be tasked with facilitating coordination among: Participating jurisdictions, Fair housing service providers, Housing authorities, Relevant agencies, and Stakeholders. The objective will be to: Identify patterns of segregation, Promote fair housing choice, Eliminate disparities in opportunities, Foster inclusive communities free from discrimination and Devise strategies to mitigate these impediments within a 5-year Fair Housing Action Plan. Many of the participating jurisdictions took part in the development of the 2020-2024 Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice that was completed in the Spring of 2020. The plan included a Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice consistent with HUD requirements. Participating jurisdictions desire a new assessment to determine current impediments to fair housing choice in the private and public housing sectors and the identification of appropriate strategies or remedies to address these impediments for each participating jurisdiction over the next 5 years. Additionally, the assessment must include an assessment of fair housing and strategies to address inequities. HUD established requirements for all localities receiving federal assistance to affirmatively further fair housing. These regulations require entitlement jurisdictions to engage in fair housing planning. Under these requirements, the jurisdictions' fair housing obligations are summarized as follows: 1. Conduct an Assessment of Fair Housing at the beginning of the Consolidated Plan cycle. The majority of the participating jurisdictions are preparing a 5-year Consolidated Plan that will cover the 2025-2029 program years. 2. Plan and carry out actions to overcome the effects of identified impediments. 3. Maintain records and make available information and reports, including the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), Equity Plan, and document actions undertaken or to be undertaken to eliminate identified impediments. HUD encourages jurisdictions to evaluate their fair housing issues as an individual jurisdiction and within the context of the larger region. As a result, a Regional AFH should encompass both the local analysis for each participating jurisdiction and a regional analysis. [These deliverables are based upon HUD's New Proposed "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" Rule published on February 9, 2023. If the Final Rule includes additional requirements or substantial changes, the Consultant shall meet those additional requirements and changes from HUD. If the Final Rule is not adopted, the Consultant shall meet HUD's current requirements.]



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November 6, 2024


Multiple Locations, Santa Ana, CA

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