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Published May 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New Orleans, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Notice is hereby given that the Regional Planning Commission is requesting qualification statements for the following project. St. Tammany Parish Comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (CPBP) St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana State Project No.: H.015928 (ST TAMMANY PARISH BIKE PED PLAN) RPC Task STB24; FY-24 UPWP Contract services are expected to commence approximately 6 weeks from the date of award and will be completed within 10 months following the award of the contract. This is a non-negotiated lump sum contract in the amount of $550,000. All interested firms are invited to submit their qualifications for undertaking the above study. This project and RPC Notice to Proceed are predicated upon federal funding authorization. Interested firms shall furnish sufficient technical and supervisory personnel to insure expeditious completion of the work. Firms with demonstrated experience, competence, and qualifications pertinent to the above project are being sought. Socially and economically disadvantaged firms are encouraged to submit qualifications for undertaking the above-mentioned work redit for DBE participation will be limited to the firms certified pursuant to the Louisiana Unified Certification Program. For convenience, DOTD provides a list on its website Qualification statements are to be submitted on the MPO Standard Submittal Form, "Proposal to Provide Consultant Services." Submit your qualifications on the MPO Standard Submittal Form on a CD (or via email) as a single PDF file for prime and sub-consultants (one copy) along with one hard (paper) copy of the completed MPO Standard Submittal forms. There are no specific minimum personnel requirements, however the organization chart (No. 11), table (No. 12) and resumes (No. 13) must demonstrate sufficient qualified staff to accomplish the scope of work within the stated timeframe, within budget. Experience, both firm and individual; past performance on comparable projects; current work load; location where work will be performed and firm size will be the significant evaluation factors which will be used in selecting a firm for the above study. Failure to submit all of the information required on the MPO Standard Submittal Form, for the prime and each sub-consultant, will constitute a non-response. Notification of selection will be posted to the RPC website, "Contracts Awarded" section of the "Requests for Proposals" page within 48 hours of selection. Any non-responsive prime consultants will be notified individually, in writing. Note: The selected firm will abide by the following instructions, in accordance with DOTD Consultant Contract Services Manual for Use by MPOs, December 2018: The designated "signing authority" shown in the MPO Standard Submittal Form shall provide: 1. For Corporations: Corporate Certified Board Resolution, clearly authorizing and designating an officer of the consulting firm, by name, to sign contracts for the firm. Also, a Disclosure of Ownership Certificate from the Secretary of State's Office. Corporations domiciled outside Louisiana are required to submit a Certificate of Authority issued by the Louisiana Secretary of State. 2. For Limited Liability Companies (LLC): Manager/managing member consent, clearly authorizing and designating the person, by name, to sign contracts for the firm. Also, a Disclosure of Ownership Certificate from the Secretary of State's Office. LLCs domiciled outside Louisiana are required to submit a Certificate of Authority issued by the Louisiana Secretary of State. 3. For Sole Proprietorships: A Power of Attorney/Affidavit is required. 4. Additional forms required to be signed by the authorized signatory, will be provided by RPC: Affidavit, Third Party Contractor Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters, Certification of Restrictions on Lobbying All consultants conducting business with RPC must provide to RPC an annual independent CPA audited indirect cost (overhead) rate of their firm, inclusive of the certification required under 23 CFR 172.11 (c)(3)(iii). Each consultant must develop and maintain a written affirmative action program for each of its establishments, if it has 50 or more employees, and a contract of $50,000 or greater.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 21, 2025


Multiple Locations, New Orleans, LA

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