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Published May 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS DEADLINE: All questions and answers must be only submitted in writing via website Wednesday., May 1, 2024 - Monday, May 20, 2024, 10AM (PST) Bond/Security: A bond with good and solvent surety authorized to do business in this State of Nevada, or submit other security, defined as a cashier's check, money order or certified check, endorsed to the SNRHA. The bond or surety must be in an amount equal to 25% of the total value of the bid; and 1.3.1 A bond posted or other security must be submitted with the protest. SNRHA shall hold the bond or other security until a determination is made on the protest. SCOPE OF WORK/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: The Respondent shall provide relocation services on a task order basis and will work directly with SNRHA staff and the Implementation team to ensure that the Choice Neighborhoods (CN) People goals and objectives are met. The qualified firm(s) or entity(ies) will provide services, as required, for the length of the contract over the duration of Choice grant period (8 years) described as follows: 2.1 Relocation Coordination Services: General Overview. SNRHA is requesting submittals from qualified firms who will work with SNRHA and the selected People Implementation Entity to plan relocate residents from the Marble Manor Public Housing Development over time. Relocation will be phased, and all relocations efforts must be completed in compliance with Choice Neighborhoods, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), the Uniform Relocation Act and/or Section 18. Refer to Attachment G for SNRHA's Phasing Plan, Maps and Demographics. SNRHA intends to utilize temporary and permanent relocation strategies - leveraging existing public housing and the voucher program. The SNRHA is committed to minimizing inconvenience for its residents, ensuring residents are protected throughout the entire relocation and construction process and making the relocation process as smooth as possible. The moves may be temporary (until the site has been developed and the resident moves back to the community or permanent if the resident decides to move and not return to site. All current, lease compliant residents at Marble Manor are guaranteed the right to return to the redevelopment site until the last unit is completed. The selected Relocation Contractor will assist families to successfully relocate as part of the overall Marble Manor Historic Westside Development according to all applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to Section 18, RAD, the Uniform Relocation Act, URA and Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5304(d) (as amended), Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, and Choice Neighborhoods, if awarded. The Contractor will coordinate and track all aspects of relocation, including but not limited to: 2.1.1. Relocation Plan. Working collaboratively with SNRHA and its consultant team. Develop a detailed Relocation Plan for SNRHA review and approval that meets all applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to Section 18, RAD, the Uniform Relocation Act, URA and Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5304(d) (as amended) and LIHTC program, and Choice Neighborhoods program, if awarded. The Relocation Plan will include relocation policies, procedures, notices, and guidelines for the relocation of households during the Marble Manor Historic Westside redevelopment effort. The Relocation Plan must address options for temporary transfers as well as permanent relocation. If necessary, the Relocation Plan and all relocation materials and procedures will be translated as needed. Develop relocation schedule and process flow; update as needed. Identify and maintain inventory of all relocation resources, including Housing Choice Vouchers opportunities, other SNRHA public housing units, homeownership opportunities, and other housing options. Prepare resident Relocation Handbook and other materials for resident use. Translate as needed Contract Period: The SNRHA anticipates that it will initially award a contract for a period of one year with the SNRHA's option of 7 one-year annual renewals for a total of eight-year contract term.


Residential Subdivision

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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