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Published July 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Bellevue, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Awarded bidder: Skyline Landscape - $74,628.70 Replacement of irrigation point of connection, mainline, lateral lines, wiring, control valves, and sprinkler heads. Project Manager Estimate : 78,000.00. . Perform irrigation replacement and site restoration per the attached site plan and technical specifications at Cherry Crest Mini Park located at 2532 127th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, 98005. 2. Contractor shall field verify locations of all existing utilities and structures. Save and protect all utilities and structures not indicated to be modified. Call 811 for general locates. Coordinate the location of private utilities with Owner's Representative. 3. Contractor shall notify Owner's representative of any unusual, unknown or unsafe conditions discovered during construction. 4. Contractor shall verify all dimensions indicated in the field and adjust dimensions to fit with existing structures indicated to remain, save and protect. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining safety fencing, barricades and directional signage as required to protect the safety of park visitors during construction. 6. Park grounds shall remain open to the public during construction. Contractor shall phase work and provide detour routes as required to provide public access to the park grounds. Verify detour routes with Owner's Representative prior to construction. 7. Contractor shall clean all construction areas of debris, extra materials, fencing and wash all paving of dirt and dust following completion of project. 8. Contractor is responsible for all damage due to his/her operations during the project. All repairs shall be made at no additional expense to the Owner. 9. Contractor shall notify Owner's Representative of discrepancies, and shall keep Owner's Representative informed of progress of work throughout construction activities. 10. All work shall be installed in conformance with application local codes and by experienced workers and licensed contractors. 11. Contractor must comply with all City of Bellevue Standard Plans & Specifications, Provisions and General Conditions. 12. Awarding of this project is subject to Contractor(s) meeting City of Bellevue Insurance requirements. 13. The contract/agreement to follow the awarding of this project is subject to the State of Washington prevailing Wage Statute. 14. All materials will be applied in strict accordance to all manufacture's instructions and made part of this specification by reference. 15. Any requirement in plans and or job walk notes shall be considered binding. In case of discrepancies, or items not understood by the Contractor, the Owner's Representative shall be contacted immediately. 16. Contractor shall be responsible for demolition and haul off costs associated with this project. 17. Workers are required to wear appropriate Personal protective equipment (PPE) when working on this project. 18. Provide one (1) year warranty from date of final acceptance by Owner for workmanship, materials and equipment. 19. Owner may elect to do all or a portion of this work


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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